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Wine or Flowers ? What is the Perfect Hostess Gift at Thanksgiving ?

Written by Rick Canale | Mon, Nov 25, 2013

While In Europe, guests often bring flowers when visiting someone's home for dinner or an event. Guests in the United States, on the other hand often bring a bottle of wine.

Why the difference ? Well of course the cultural habits of both societies has evolved over hundreds of years. In Europe, wine is a staple in most homes and does not carry the intrinsic value we perceive in the United States. In the United States, quality flowers and bouquets are not as readily available. 


Wine of course has many health benefits, but one bottle of wine is only good for 4-5 glasses. One beautiful cornucopia of flowers is good for 5-7 days and enlightens over 20 dinner guests.

"Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul." - The Koran

This Thanksgiving, lift the spirits of your friends and family. Exotic Flowers in Roslindale will be open until 1pm for all your hostess gift needs.

Of course, if you are stuck on getting wine. Exotic Flowers in Roslindale does have a liquor license and sells wine. We will be featuring our holiday wine picks, just in time for Thanksgiving.

Remember, we are the local Boston florist who yearns to serve all your needs.