From Our Colleagues at The Society of American Florists:
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — December 2, 2020 — The poinsettia is the quintessential Christmas plant. However, many consumers (namely, pet owners and parents of young children) shy away from it because of the belief that it can endanger a loved one.
Set the record straight on this longstanding myth: The poinsettia is the most widely tested plant and has been proven to be non-toxic. Research trials at Ohio State University revealed that a pet or child would need to ingest more than 500 leaves to become seriously ill. (That said, poinsettias are a decoration and should be kept out of reach of children and animals prone to munching on foreign objects.)
About SAF The Society of American Florists is the only national trade association that represents all segments of the U.S. floral industry. SAF provides government advocacy, education and marketing advice; and connects industry members who want to learn, share ideas and grow; helps the industry recruit and retain talent; and provides guidance to the industry to prepare for and navigate the future. The association was chartered by an act of Congress in 1884. To learn more about SAF or to join, visit safnow.org.
Society of American Florists,
Holiday Decor