We’re New Englanders so it’s pretty safe to say that we are really into the seasonal changes, particularly autumn. We admire everything from the leaves changing color to the acorns piling up on the ground because they are all beautiful signs from Mother Nature that fall has arrived. For those who like to decorate, these natural gifts from the outdoors are often utilized in accessorizing our homes such as back patios, doorsteps and walkways. One area that appears to be a strong focus for Boston home designers are the pieces used as props for our front doors.
Why is that such a desired display feature?

photo credit: marthastewart.com
The entryways to our homes are the first impressions we give to visitors that can have a direct effect on their mood or state of mind for the duration of their stay. If we give friends and families a presentation that encourages an elated or comfortable feeling, than some believe that their visit will reflect these positive emotions.
Sound silly to you?

Photo credit: MarthaStewart.com
Well, have a look at these top autumn looks for New England front doors and see if your state of mind is automatically improved! All of these designs are easy to construct on your own and lucky for us Bostonians, the materials are readily available as well. If you’re not sure that your artistic capabilities are up to the challenge, visit your local flower shop that will be glad create the perfect piece for you’re home. Happy decorating!