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Garden Accents, Decor and Planters

Written by Suzie Canale | Mon, May 23, 2016

When you’re into your garden, one tends to try making everything around the lush flowers as beautiful as possible.  To those who find themselves relating to this statement, you know what I’m talking about… We attempt to design the perfect accents to accessorize our gardening efforts such as matching colorized pots, adding decadent potting benches and even incorporating pieces of furniture into the presentation such as tables and chairs.  When it’s all said and done, yes- you’re probably going to have one heck of a spread but how about the cost of this to make it all happen?  Companies specializing in these products like Pottery Barn and Crate & Barrel aren’t cheap.  They’re really EXPENSIVE!  Even if you do buy everything new, the outdoor elements are bound to age your props at some point, forcing you to go out and spend another wad of cash just to replace what you’ve lost.  Doesn’t that sound wasteful?  

As I find myself admittedly a member of this crowd, I’ve found a better way to use my resources and still “outer decorate” my flower and vegetable beds.  By recycling used furniture, repurposing items already owned and inserting a little creativity into the mix, you can orchestrate a stunning stage of garden galore while still saving money on unnecessary purchases. If you can be cleverly thrifty, you’ll see that your garden will explode with fun and complimentary accents making a splendid Eden you can enjoy throughout the summer!  Here are a few pointers to get you started…

  1. Attic Search                                                                                                                  Before you do anything with your wallet, go check in the old attic for some finds such as chairs, tables and stools.  All of these can be sanded down and re-painted to whatever color you’d like to make pop near your plantings.  Other hot treasures include ceramic bowls, teapots and wooden crates that can be made into dish gardens, flower vases and small raised beds.

  1.   Yard Sales

Yard sales are excellent places to hunt for props and they’ll also be marked at prices well below market value.  Since people are generally attempting to get rid of their “junk”, often you can even negotiate for a better bargain than already offered giving you a deal that you simply cannot refuse.  Plus, you’re helping the environment with your “green” savvies!  

  1.  Repurposing Old Furniture

Do you have old shutters lying in the garage with no place to go?  Make your own standing window boxes by hinging three shutters together constructing a screen.  Either build small boxes or look around the house for something that would be similar and connect these at different angles on all panels.  Add your favorite pots of geraniums, lantana or cacti and now you have the perfect standing garden boxes!