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Pairing Flowers with White Wine

Written by Suzie Canale | Mon, Sep 18, 2017

When you’re a wine lover who also adores flowers, it’s pretty safe to say that both are on your shopping list fairly regularly.  Just as with anything else, you develop your own preferences in taste, color and scent, which lead you to a favorite label or perhaps a specific variety of blooms.  Each and every one of us is drawn to certain flavors and appearances, especially when it comes to floral design and bubbly.  Funny enough… there’s even a way to pair the two that will complement each other’s characteristics such the shade of the alcohol and aroma.  While some white wines are sweeter than the next, there is a method used by several restaurateurs to give patrons the utmost experience in fine dining.  Here are some examples of how it is done.


If you’re a chardonnay drinker, you usually tend to prefer oaky blends that give off either a honey, nut, butter or spicy after taste.  This type of white wine is fuller bodied compared to some of the other bottles and has the propensity to incur greater taste as the year ages.  When matching with a flower variety, you want to go with a seductive bloom like Annabelle hydrangea, green calla lilies or oncidium orchids.  The chardonnay grape typically has a strong smell so don’t overwhelm nearby vases with stinky florals.    

Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is a much lighter wine than chardonnay and in turn has a much different taste.  Being the most popular grade to be harvested for wine, instead of a rich taste, this wine is described in fruitier terms.  The difference in varieties depends on the maturity of the grape and can taste similar to a lime or a sweet peach.  You’ll want to remember this when picking out your flowers and opt for airier varieties like cherry blossom, peach peonies and buddleia.  These blossoms may have a scent but will not interfere with the overall aroma.  


Since Riesling is originally cultivated in the country of Germany, this wine has a very unique taste which closely identifies with flowers and fruit.  It is said to be the sweetest of all the wines and is often the drink chosen to accompany dessert.  These characteristics make Riesling lovely alongside a vase of pale pink roses (this species will look beautifully against the hue of the liquid), pink ranunculus or my favorite, peach dahlias.