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Proposing on Christmas

Written by Suzie Canale | Wed, Dec 02, 2015

Christmas is rated one of the most likely holidays to be proposed to, following right behind Valentine’s Day.  Maybe it’s the glow of the lights or the feeling of cheer but whatever the reason may be, the yuletide season is very popular month to pop the question!  When you know the time is right and you’ve finally found that perfect person to share the rest of your life with, it’s important to do things right.  Sure, bending down on one knee is sweet and all but why not go the extra mile and come up with a plan that makes your proposal a truly memorable event in his or her life?  


photo credit: HuffngtonPost.com

I get it-subtlety is your thing but I assure you that there are several ways to make the experience unique and creative just by using some festive themes that Christmas already brings us!   Utilizing décor, color and festive traditions associated with this time of year can not only “wow” your soon-to-be but can also take the pressure off having to come up with something on your own.  These are some of the most successful ways to propose to your significant other, each having a high rate of acceptance as apposed to rejection. So once you have the little box in your hand, try one of these romantic and clever strategies to hear an “I do” this Christmas.


Dress Up as Santa Claus

I know, I know this has been done before but dressing up as Santa Claus is a solid way to go and has extremely promising outcomes.  All you need is a red suit, beard, hat and sack and voila- you’ve made the perfect outfit!  Don’t forget to say “Ho Ho Ho” and bring along a little mistletoe!


An Ornamental Ring

This is a sweet gesture for those who love to decorate and we all know-a little added glitz for our Christmas trees is what its all about!  Find some delicate twine or string and simply hoop through the ring, tying a knot on the end.  Make sure the area you want to hang the ring isn’t cluttered with other ornaments that could be distracting and watch her become awed over your gesture!

photo credit: www.glamourmagazine.co.uk

Treasure Hunt

Okay, this is for the fiancé/fiancée who likes a little adventure mixed in with their romance.  Wrap different sized presents, all containing items that can be associated with getting married.  Try to place them in a line so the hunter is being led to the really big gift-the ring!


“Future Mrs.” T-shirt  

If you think she’ll think it’s funny and she has a great sense of humor, try buying her a “Future Mrs.” t-shirt that you can either buy off the internet or have made at any local printing shop.  The benefit of this approach is that you’ll know right away what her answer is by whether she tries it on or not!


Light It Up

Mr. Griswold would love this fun idea of stringing Christmas lights on your roof or lawn that say, “Will You Marry Me?”  Wait until it becomes dark outside, tell her you want to show her a treat and flick on the switch to watch her heart melt at this sentimental display.


An “Advent” Calendar

For those who enjoy the countdown to Christmas, you might want to think about using this method of placing a ring inside an advent calendar!  She’ll have fun opening up each day of December and get an extra special surprise on the 24th!