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Simple As 1-2-3 Floral Arrangements

Written by Suzie Canale | Fri, Apr 29, 2016

I really love flowers.

So much so that it’s hard not to want fresh arrangements in every room of my home every day of the year but the problem is, this addiction can sometimes get pricey.   It’s true there are hundreds of affordable options available to people like me that won't break the bank such as spring tulips and bulbs of narcissus that seem to be sold everywhere but what if I’m looking for more?  There’s nothing like looking at a mixed bouquet or a mound of wild flowers to brighten up a dreary day so how can we incorporate blooms into our everyday life without going flat broke?  You’ll be pleased to know that after careful research and years of experimentation, I’ve come up with a set of tips that can lift you out of the flower drought while still staying on budget.  By referring to these guidelines, not only will you be able to enjoy this delightful vice without spending exorbitant amounts of cash but you’ll learn a thing or two about designing on your own!  It’s fun, fast and as easy as 1-2-3, plus your aura and home will glow from the presence of having frequently displayed flowers.

Tips for the Addicted Flower Lover

  1.  Tulips sometimes get a bad wrap from flower snobs who consider them to be beneath other exotic varieties but in reality, they are truly stunning when bunched together in a mass and dropped into an attractive container.  

Species such as French Tulips or Parrot Tulips are drop dead gorgeous and are cultivated in a broad spectrum of color leaving the possibilities endless.   They’re also relatively inexpensive if you're attracted to some of the plainer breeds which still have a lifespan of at least a week if not longer.  Dutch tulips are ranked number one in the industry making their lifespan a few days longer than other competitors.  One thing to keep in mind is to make sure that you cut tulip stems a little shorter than desired because they actually stretch in height as they soak up water.

  1.  If you have a garden, pull out the clippers and snag a few of the early spring arrivals that might be starting to pop up in your yard.  Plants and flowers such as forsythia, grape hyacinth and daffodils make perfect kitchen and bathroom arrangements and come in cheery tones of bright yellow or lavender/purple.  They won't cost you a thing plus you know that they’ll last being brought straight in from the garden.  I wouldn’t wait too long though since these flowers despise the heat and only last during the cool and wet days of early spring.

  1.  Did you know that you can grow flowers from seed all throughout the year?  That’s right!  All you need is a warm and sunny window to harvest your very favorite blooms and it won't matter a bit if there’s still snow on the ground.  Put away some packets from your summer stash and start growing your own whenever you feel like it!