If you’ve taken a look at the housing market lately, you’ll notice that there are certain houses being sold as soon as they’re shown while others sit there for months, sometimes years. You may have also caught on to the phenomenon of two houses which look similarly (if not an actual carbon copy of the same blueprint) is often retailed at severely contrasting prices even when they’re offered for purchase at the same time. For those who are hesitant to put the “For Sale” sign on their homes because they just can’t figure out how the trend will work out for them, here’s a helpful tip. Yes, your real-estate agent is a major key player in how well you’re going to do at the closing but so isn’t your florist. Not buying this one? Read on…

photo credit via aboutflowers.com
It’s no big mystery that landscaping will bump up the value of the property as well as additions, new appliances and general upkeep. These are all presentation factors that help create the illusion to potential buyers that they too, could be living in your home. This truth is what sells homes so don’t forget “presentation is everything”. Before you only budget the prep work to ready your house for the market, you might want to consider other areas of your home that might need sprucing up.
While we know that clutter is a “no-no” in this occasion, you also have to realize little touches that scream you have taste are just as important. One way to infuse an air of style is to dress the rooms with a vase of fresh flowers. By adding the right variety to drab sites of the house, you can increase the illusion and appeal to visitors. This doesn’t mean go straight to the yard and begin clipping-No! This tactic is going to take a bit more expertise than our beloved green thumbs. The place you want to begin is at your local flower shop who will be able to match paint, texture and general theme of your abode with equally alluring species of blooms. Depending on the characteristics present, a skilled designer will be able to correctly match, enhance and compliment the space just by using specifically architected centerpieces. If it’s a bathroom, maybe all you’ll need is a bud vase of spring pips or if it’s the dining room, maybe a vase of wild poppies is what’s going to catch a browser’s eye and hold their attention. By taking snapshots of rooms that need a little charm to your florist, they’ll get a better idea about what you need to make your home a sure-fire winner on the retail market.