Exotic Flowers in Boston

Where to Find Beautiful Flowers During the Coldest Time of the Year in Boston

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Jan 14, 2015

If you’re anything like me, the winter season is seen as cold, dark and depressing and not just because of that white stuff falling from the sky.  There’s no gardens, no growth, no beauty, which perks up from the earth.  Yes, it only lasts for four or five months in New England but still, what’s a girl gotta do for a little flower fix?  It might sound bleak but in actuality, Bostonians do have a few resources at their fingertips when it comes to floral supplies.  Now, don’t get me wrong, you aren’t going to find summer blooms that have any longevity in their stems until June or July but there are other options out there if you are willing to be a bit flexible within your taste.  Here are a few options and locales that carry beautiful blossoms, particularly during the chillier months of the year.


If you're in Boston, look no further than Exotic Flowers in Roslindale. Their flagship operation is also their base of operations where thousands of flowers arrive daily from all over the world. If you're on the north side of route 128 then Wilson Farms in Lexington, MA, for one has a yearly display of stunning blooms that are native to this environment, many in fact that are grown by them.  Specialties include poinsettias, Christmas Roses and other bulb like plants that are being harvested within their greenhouses as we speak.  This local farming business also imports flowers such as roses and delphinium, which are durable enough to withstand some colder temperatures.  If their selection isn’t enough to entice you, trot on in to their bakery and fresh produce store that is open year round and filled to the brim with delicious choices for your dining pleasure.

 orchids in boston

                           photo credit:flower Factor/ Aboutflowers.com 

   They say that you never have to look further than your own backyard for inspiration and in this case, they might be right!  Many of us live in areas where pine and berries grow, the ideal combination for a lovely seasonal centerpiece.  Scout out your perimeters and look for healthy spikes of life that can be easily cut and arranged in a vase.  Not sold on this yet?  How about the fact that most of these cuttings have little droppings during aging so it makes for an effortless cleanup once the times comes.  Plus, you can’t beat the price because everything that you place in the vase is yours and free.  Don’t be afraid to mix and match with floral options available in local stores.  You can always combine a bunch of roses with some clippings of fir or Frasier to make a beautiful centerpiece.  One word to the wise is be very careful of poisonous flora and fauna that may be present and could harm pets or small children if kept in their reach. 

 suzie_canale Suzie Canale, Westwood, MA

Suzie always has fresh flowers and plants in her Westwood home. Orchid plants are always present.

Tags: New England, Boston Greenhouse, Winter Rose

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