Teleflora Creates Exclusive Program for Select Member Florists
BOSTON, JULY 20th, 2010 - Exotic Flowes was recently named a member of Teleflora's National Account Program, an elite incentive and loyalty program created exclusively for Teleflora's top member florists in America. Teleflora, the world's leading flower delivery network offering only hand-arranged and hand-delivered floral arrangements, created the program as a way to thanks its top member florists for their hard work and support.
Teleflora member florists qualified for membership in the National Account Program by sending orders through the Teleflora network, growing their TF hosted website order volume and designing and delivering orders from fellow member florists. Members of the Teleflora National Account Program represent the top 5% of Teleflora's 18,000 florist partners.
Exotic Flowers has been a member of the community for over 50 years and is located at 609 American Legion Hwy in Roslindale and Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston. Consumers can place orders for same-day delivery to anyone worldwide by contacting Exotic Flowers, Boston's Premier Florist at 617.247.2000, 1-800-706-1200 or online at http://www.exoticflowers.com/