Pink roses have long held a sentiment of grace, beauty and sweetness although different shades of the color can denote different sentiments. For instance, there is a vast contrast between light vs. magenta shaded petals when gifting flowers as a present to someone special. While light pink often signifies gentleness and innocence, a darker hue can intensify in meaning such as thoughtfulness, allure and attraction. While it is customary to give younger women bouquets of soft blush roses, you may see a florist opting for a darker variety when designing for an older clientele. Teenagers in particular will often request a hot pink styled piece for a love interest, particularly when prom time rolls around and boutonnieres and corsages become high in demand. The idea behind this tint is fun, flashy and sexy while also being more on the flirtatious side instead of a deeper red of intensity.

Along with these meanings, magenta roses can also signify gratitude towards an elder. Mother’s Day is an extremely popular time of year when moms are gifted with large assortments of these bright hued pink flowers. While lilies, peonies and sweet pea are significant on the request board, magenta roses still remain front and center during this holiday celebration. This is also the reason why “respect” can also be associated with this variety as well as “honor” and “praise”. What better feelings could you possibly associate a stunning arrangement for mom on Mother’s Day with than a flower that represents all three?
If you’re interested in learning more about magenta roses, take a look at these stunning varieties grown around the globe.
Magenta Roses Grown from Ecuador Magenta Roses Grown from Holland
“Lola” “Acapella”
“Hot Lady” “Cherry-O”
“Pink Floyd” “Ensemble”
“Topaz” “Fresh”
“Pizzazz” “Marina”
Magenta Roses Grown from California Magenta Roses Grown Seasonally
in New England
“Germini” “Royal Jubilee”
“Yolande d'Aragon” “Young Lycidas”
“Blueberry” “Sophy’s Rose”
“Cool Paris” “Skylark”
“Rhapsody” “Carefree Beauty”