If you are soon expecting a bouncing baby boy or girl, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed about what’s to come… It is a time for joy but it can also be a little anxiety driven due to big changes soon to come. For many women, they are well versed on how to take care of this situation during pregnancy and stock up well in advance with things that relieve their discomfort. For some, lavender infused tea may due the trick and for others a soothing massage could be what gets the kinks out. Comfort foods, soft clothing, long naps, a relaxing walk and fizzy bubble baths are just a few of the medicines many pregnant women utilize.

photo credit via http://www.karenscottreflexology.com
If you are a lover of flowers, you might want to consider a simple aromatherapy tactic that doctors and florists swear by. No, you don’t have to drink elixirs filled with petals or swallow an all-natural pill with remnants of roots or leaves to make you feel better. The answer is simple when looking to implement blossoms to ease expecting mom’s irritability, soreness and other common maladies related to pregnancy. It is a proven fact that by selecting certain varieties of flowers to be placed inside the home, you can alleviate a multitude of symptoms just by having them near you. Based on color and scent, floral designers can actually create perfect arrangements that will help mom feel happier and healthier. If you are a soon-to-be who is having a difficult time adjusting to Mother Nature’s calling, try these helpful plant ideas to help you find a source of restful peace.
If you are looking to select flowers based on their color, you might want to pick up a bunch or purple iris or yellow daffodils. Science says that purple and yellow are instant triggers to encourage tranquility and serenity. While it is commonplace to give pregnant women bouquets of either pink or blue in relation to the baby’s sex, experts insist the other options available might be a better choice.
This is a tricky area because many expecting moms suffer from over sensitivity when it comes to their sniffers. Stay away from strong scented species such as roses and lilies and opt for a softer smelling variety like sweet pea or ranunculus. The last thing you want to do is make her even more nauseous than she already is so be sure to ask your florist for suggestions.