Wedding season is upon us and Boston brides are lining up to walk down the aisles! There is shear excitement in the air even though the bridal season can be a bit stressful which can sometimes ruin an otherwise blissful occasion. With all of the tasks that need to be done to make the event successful, there’s no wonder why couples can feel overwhelmed with stress right before their happy day. Wardrobe fittings, catering menus, location options, invitation details and music arrangements can snowball into catastrophic messes so we can certainly see why the idea of elopement is becoming more attractive…

The truth is, there are several blogs and articles out there to help relieve some of the pressure, including tips on how to pre-plan disasters before they even occur. Wouldn’t that be something if we could correct bridle hiccups (that we know most weddings experience) before they happen? Honestly, I don’t believe that you can predict every blunderbuss situation but when it comes to flowers, there are definitely a few tips that are useful if you’re willing to be a bit flexible. Take a look at some suggested advice given by our city’stop floral designersthat will keep you smiling all the way to your honeymoon! You’ll feel confident that your special day will have an attractive display of blossoms, as well as the confidence to focus on what truly matters- reciting the vows of “I do”.
Helpful Bridal Flower Tips
Flexibility Saves the Day
Hey, if you’re willing to agree on some changes to the photo you saw in your favorite wedding magazine, things will go a lot smoother once it’s time to get down to the business of ordering the flowers. Floral professionals understand issues such as availability, cost and presentation that may negatively affect your vision as well as your wallet. Do some homework on the arrangements that you prefer and afterwards, ask the florist their opinion on whether the flowers are the right choice for the job. Listening to what they have to say could not only end up saving you the trouble of dealing with nightmarish logistical issues, but they could also save you a ton of money. Even the smallest adaptations can make a huge difference to the outcome of your wedding work so keep things flexible. Should you show them the ad in “Brides” with the gorgeous cascading phalaenopsis and palm trees scattered throughout the room? Absolutely! By doing so they’ll have a better idea of what your tastes are and perhaps can come up with a similar look that’s just as stunning at a lower price.

Fussiness with Exact Color Will Only Lead to Doom
I was a wholesale florist for twenty years and it never failed to amaze me when a florist promised a particular shade of a particular shade of a particular shade of…blush? It’s a flower, which means that an exact tint is impossible to foretell. Particularly when a pink tone such as “salmon” can be seen differently depending on the person you ask. What looks like salmon to me, might not look like salmon to you so don’t get too precise with variety names. If you’re a savvy bride, you’ll choose a basic color that can be easily identified like lavender or soft pink. These are terms that everyone is familiar with and you’ll know that your florist will be able to appease your wishes.