So we’ve now gone through a couple of typical, winter New England storms and have been reminded of the importance of preparing our homes with the tools necessary to survive them. Some Bostonians think that the worst is over, and honestly, I hope they’re right but it is highly likely that we might have a few more rounds before we see spring roll around. If this is true then we can’t put the shovels and snow blowers away just yet. For the vast percentage of locals who have weathered a blizzard or two in their years living in Massachusetts, they already have a strict list of items that they supply themselves with before the treacherous climate arrives. I know I have my own essentials that I stock up on and have found to be imperative towards enduring even the worst of weather circumstances. Sometimes we forget that thousands of people in the area have suffered frostbite, dehydration and in some conditions even worse because of ill preparations made beforehand. Safety should be the first thing we take in account once we see that dreaded map on the news station warning us of accumulating snow. Although the natural elements can devastate homes with little or nothing that could be done by the residents, here are some items that might just save your life during the next snowstorm.

Electricity may come and go during a brutal storm. Although there might be annoyances when the MP3 players, TV’s, DVD’s, laptops and stereos wont work, the bigger issue is whether or not you will be able to stay in contact with the rest of the world to see what the local weather reports forecast. Make sure that you have a battery-operated radio that has a fresh set of batteries before things start to get hairy.
Pull out every blanket you have in case power goes out and you loose the utility of heat. Layers of comforters and afghans will provide warmth and help ward off the chills and subsidiary sickness. Also, stock up on wood for your fireplaces and if you have a gas converted hearth, change in back. If you live in the Boston area, chances are you’ll be happy to have access to this natural form of heat that saved the first pioneers of New England.

There should be no excuse not to stock up on a few flats of bottled water before a storm breaks loose. Water is one of the basic elements of survival and should never be taken for granted. Many have learned first hand of the horrific damage that a burst pipe can do so make sure that you have plenty on hand for cooking, bathing and drinking.
This might seem like a no-brainer but you would be surprised of the ridiculous foods that some stock up on instead of healthy, storm ready nutrients. Potato chips and ice cream might seem like the most important grocery items to buy but better selections would include canned soup, fresh produce and bread. Milk is another intelligent choice that you can always refrigerate outside if you lose electricity. If you want a few treats after you’ve opted for these must-haves, go for it but don’t forget some nice hot chocolate for the kids!