If you’re one for cuddling and canoodling around the fire, you’ll absolutely adore the new “Bear Themed Floral Extravaganza” many Boston florists are defining their holiday line with. Teddy bears are EVERYWHERE this Christmas, from stuffed animals being propped within centerpieces to bear designed containers showcase seasonal blooms. These cute creatures are popping up in every inch of creative space that has designers quick on their feet to come up with new and interesting ideas to further market this trend. Both children and adults can revel in the sweet popularity of teddy bears this December and if you’re looking for thoughts on how to create your own this season, here are some fun arts and crafts using flowers that will keep the whole family busy through Christmas.

This is an expert level project but if you have the tenacity to try it- Go for it! You’ll need a wedge of oasis that’s been carved into the shape of a bear and a bunch of small button pom-pom daisies. Once the material has been formed, cut the flowers about 1 ½ inches long and stick the stem into the pre-soaked oasis. Be careful not to put too many in one spot or leave holes in the back. Once the bear is complete, you can either put him in the middle of an arrangement or place him inside of a cup or bowl depending on the size. Tie a red ribbon around his neck and you have a beautiful gift for someone special!
If the oasis teddy bear seems a bit too challenging, then here’s a great option that is easy-peasy to make. Browse the shelves of discount stores such as Job Lot or Christmas Tree Shops since they almost always have a collection of teddy bear coffee mugs available for sale. Once you’ve found the one that you prefer, take it home and fill it with seasonal blooms such as pine, red berries and red/white roses. These make excellent presents for children and teachers which can be made quickly at a minimum cost. Plus-they’ll have the perfect cup to enjoy hot cocoa when the weather turns cold!
Sometimes we think about ways to use a prop in the most complicating ways when a simple answer is standing right in front of our noses! Those stunning Christmas trees you just purchased are going to need lots of trimming with decorations so why not use teddy bears as this year’s theme? Again, shop local discount outlets for low cost teddies and stick them here and there throughout the branches or string them to make ornaments. The kids will love the cuddly presentation and the effort you made to bring joy to them this holiday!