Exotic Flowers in Boston is a proud partner of Teleflora. Our ability to send quality flowers and spectacular arrangements worldwide through their network makes Teleflora a perfect partner for our third generation Boston florist. Teleflora also offers our staff technology and marketing support as well. In 2011, Teleflora partnered with singer Faith Hill. The Faith Hill collection was a huge success for Exotic Flowers in Boston.
Now Teleflora is setting the stakes even higher. Choosing to get a little edgier, they are enlisting Victoria's Secret lingerie model Adriana Lima to help sell flowers.

Can a lingerie model sell flowers in Boston ? I think so. At least I know, Adriana can help Exotic Flowers in Boston sell more flowers. Adriana Lima like Exotic Flowers is all about Reaction Guaranteed.
“The thing I love the most about this ad is that everything happens in a very intimate moment, in a romantic place,” Lima revealed. “Men will learn about the emotions women feel and how important a gift of flowers is to us on Valentine’s Day. I know you guys will like it.”