While roses are now grown in a thousand different shades of color, many people don’t realize that each and everyone means something specific in nature. As some stand for feelings of romance and love, others represent sentiments associated with encouragement, sympathy or even mystery (see blog about blue roses). The array of symbolic meanings attached to this flower is one of its best attributes, making roses a favorite species by florists who are sent requests for particular blooms carrying specific tidings. Red, orange, yellow and pink roses are among the most popular used for an expressive gift but how about the delicate and sometimes understated color peach? Not many are familiar with the significance of this pretty blush tone that is quickly becoming increasingly highlighted in floral design but what does it really mean?

photo crdit via aboutflowers.com
Peach is directly associated with the expression of modesty, earnestly and innocence. Although the color has no direct connotation with strong feelings of love or lust, peach does signify a warm feeling of friendship and caring. Often, businessmen and women will send a gift of peach roses to clients after they have had a successful meeting in order to “bless” the transaction with a good omen. Closely related is the sentiment of saying, “Thank You” with this particular variety of rose which makes a great gift sent to hosts from a houseguest as a token of gratitude. Another theme that is tied to the peach bloom is the idea of “civility”, “poise” and “grace”. An example of this can be seen in films set in the south where many of the homes are filled with peach colored roses or even tulips (although the heat will kill them) which is meant to emulate the thought of elegance.

If you are interested in presenting someone with peach roses for these symbolic reasons or just fancy the shade that expels an overall delicate beauty, you might want to browse these varieties that are stunning for all occasions!
Top Favorite Peach Varieties Imported Into the US
- Free Spirit 6. Tiffany
- Chillis 7. Finesse
- Peach Avalanche 8. Versillia
- Nevado 9. Juliet
- Campanella 10. Milva