Tags: Red Sox Florist, Marketing, Red Sox, Christmas
5. Toots by Bob Considine
No longer in print, this book about the famous saloon keeper Toots Shor - is a nice read for all restauranteuers and small businessmen. 'Toots' not only teaches how to build solid business relationships, but also how to make money while doing it. His concept of spending quality time with his customers is practiced every day at Exotic Flowers in Boston.
4. Marketing Your Dreams by Pat Williams, Michael Weinreb
Williams insists that 'Marketing Your Dreams isn't a Bill Veeck biography; instead, it's a book about success, a book about one of the most relentless and fascinating personalities in the history of organized sports. It's a book about extracting Veeck's traits and concentrating them into their purest form so that the reader can pull the same kind of inspiration from the master that Williams did.'
The reader will find many of Pat and Bill's marketing ideas implemented at Exotic Flowers in Boston. Bill Veeck has always been one of my idols.
Tags: Bill Veeck, Marketing, Customer Service
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