Memorial Day is a HUGE holiday for floral celebration! If you’re a gardener, it’s the weekend you start grazing over the selection from your favorite nurseries and if you’re a designer, well then you might be clipping the last of the lilac bushes to make spring arrangements. Whichever category you fit in, there’s a ton of fun things you can do to celebrate your passion for flowers. For me, I probably can be sized up as belonging to both genres, especially when it comes to my love for planning and up keeping my own perennial garden. The beds have to be filled with dirt, the weeds have to be pulled and the returning plants have to be groomed for a successful arrival into a new season. It’s a lot of work, I know but I can tell you first hand, it’s worth the effort. Did you know that gardening can improve several different facets of your life including:

- Physical Health
- Mental Health
- Outside Social Relationships
- Intelligence
- Behavioral Aspects
Those are some pretty great reasons to foster a hobby for cultivating plants and flowers!
If you are interested in floral arranging, Memorial Day also has some great opportunities to flex your creative muscles since New England native species should be up and blooming. Bulb plants such as grape hyacinth, tulips and fritillaries make excellent additions to bud vases and nosegays while forsythia and other flowering branches make striking centerpieces when gathered in clumps together. If you don’t find any of these plants growing nearby in your yard, now is an excellent time to visit a greenhouse and begin planting some of your favorites for next year! This holiday inspires fantastic sales brought to you by those in horticulture business so be sure to check out your local deals!