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Exotic Flowers in Boston

Cool Recycled Containers for Flower Arranging

Posted by Suzie Canale on Sat, May 20, 2017

We exist in a decade where it is of the utmost importance to begin paying more attention to caring for our earth.  The “Green Movement” was initiated to educate people about how to nourish, heal and inspire future growth with the environment.  After noticing drastic depletion of natural resources, science experts and nature lovers banded together to make it their mission to put our planet’s health at top priority.  By learning how to recycle, conserve and become more eco-friendly, we can all do our part to assist this incredibly important endeavor.  


The neat thing about becoming involved with the “Green Movement” is that people are drawn from all sorts of aspects and careers.  Even FLORISTS have recognized the need to intertwine sustainability into their business practices and do their part to be environmentally responsible.  The good thing is they’re already one step ahead since their main product is biodegradable.  By spreading the love for living plants and flowers, florists actually inspire others to recognize the importance of caring more about the growth and greenery around us.  Not only that, but floral professionals are also well knowledged in their subject and are happy to educate customers about plant care and other topics relevant to the species they carry.


Other ways that florists show their interest in our Earth is the accessories they use to market their product line.  For instance, the vases that arrangements are delivered in are a consideration when asking if they are fit for our environment.  Materials that are non-biodegradable are frowned upon and instead being replaced by other options which fit the bill.  Vases made from plastic are out while others produced out of wood and glass is more acceptable.  You don’t have to wait to purchase your own if you are interested in trying your hand at “green” floral designing either!  Search around the house and see if any of these items are hiding somewhere and use them to make fun, environmentally responsible bouquets and centerpieces!

Tags: Recycling Tips, Earth Day, About Flowers

Earth Day - Plant a Tree - Drop A Seed Bomb

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Apr 17, 2017

April 22nd is Earth Day, a celebration honoring our beautiful planet and the importance of keeping her healthy.  The tradition began in 1970 when a United States Senator by the name of Gaylord Nelson started the initiative and became the founder of this first ever, global celebration.  His mission was to teach others the importance of maintaining and sustaining our natural resources after the massive 1969 oil spill in California.  During this time, vehicles were also sucking down massive consumptions of gas, air pollution was on an upward skew and the concept of global warming had sudden become a threat.  


With the help of a Republican Congressman, Pete McClosky and a Harvard professor, Nelson was able to devise a team that would promote events around the country to peacefully protest the need to preserve our home.  For the first time in ages, both parties of government joined together as well as different diversities, ethnicities, religions and financial realms to serve a common purpose.  People from all over marched in the streets holding signs to advertise the need for new legislature, which would protect our natural environment.  The outcome was successful and led the way for “The Clean Air Act”, “Endangered Species Act” and “The Clean Water Act” to become legalized.  Although there is still much work to do, every year Earth Day participants seek to push this important initiative and show their love for our planet.

If you’re not up for joining a demonstration but want to celebrate Earth Day just the same, there are plenty of fun ways to do it!  The most common activity is to plant a tree, which helps cultivate new wildlife, vegetation and better air quality.  You can also start a garden and include flowers that attract bees or make “seed bombs” and disperse them around your yard.  For those who don’t have a green thumb, there are several other options to support the holiday, which can simply mean fixing leaky faucets around the house, starting a compost collection or recycling paper products and tin cans.  Forgoing driving and walking or biking for the day will also raise awareness as well as swapping your electric phone chargers for solar powered units.  Become smarter buying groceries, build a birdhouse and simply picking up litter you see on the ground are also easy ways to get involved.


Families should keep in mind the spirit of Earth Day by teaching their children the concerns facing our home and how we can all do our part to implement solutions!  April 22nd is all about educating one another about the importance of our environment and one easy way to accomplish this is by spending time in the outdoors.  Go for a hike or a walk in the woods and expose your kids to the beautiful natural wonders that surround us everyday!

Tags: Outdoor Living, Earth Day, Seeds, Trees, hiking, Nature

Garden Planning for 2015

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Apr 24, 2015

As temperatures begin to rise here in Boston, gardeners are wondering what the next trends for group plantings will be this summer?  Window boxes, raised beds and patio pots are all part of your home’s landscaping design so be sure you are ready to plan an attractive design that properly accentuates your property.  Although these creations should show individuality to your tastes, experts have devised a framework to ensure your summer flower’s best performance efforts.  For instance, color, texture and size all effect the final presentation of the plants whether they are being hung from an arbor or rooted within a larger garden plot.  Other factors that are crucial to measure are the specimen’s longevity throughout the season and ability to acclimate in different weather patterns that we know makes New England gardening sometimes a challenge.  As I start to sift through seed catalogues and local nursery websites, I will try to keep these few suggestions in mind in order to build my successful raised garden beds this June. 


Its not always easy choosing the right flowers suitable to the areas those are available to you. Some varieties prefer moist soil while others desire a drier plot, which makes it crucial for you to read the care instructions before buying anything.  Don’t let desire get in the way of your selection process because no matter how much you love a perennial or annual, if you don’t have the proper environment for it to grow, the selection will fail to thrive.  In some circumstances you can manipulate the soil such as making wood or plastic draining containers where you can fill it with the proper material that will enable a wider variety of options for you.  In this case, its smart to get the opinion of a home improvement specialist or florist to help you decide on the material you’ll need for construction. 


Deciding your color palette is really important to pre-planning gardens because it will aid to avoiding an uncomfortable clash once the plants have been plotted.  You don’t want all of that hard work to go to waste on a messy arrangement that will be unattractive in your yard.  One way to develop a blueprint is to get out your paints and start trying out different shades and their combinations with others.  This will allow a large spectrum of diversity and you’ll be able to match most outcomes with the products your greenhouses will have available.  Years ago I met a floral designer who swore that adding white into a brightly mixed assortment of color only worked to separate the flow of the other flowers.  His advice was to keep whites in their own plot to ensure a visually stimulating and appealing presentation.  Other pros encourage a mass array of dark and light blossoms because it illuminates a spectacular burst of flowers, which is exactly what Mother Nature has offered to all of us!

 Suzie Canale

Westwood, MA


Tags: Garden Center, Gardening, Gardening in Boston, #EXFL, herbs, Arbor Day, Earth Day

Gardening Promotes Flexibility In People

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Apr 22, 2015

Doctors say to get outdoors if you want to be healthy and you know what, they’re right!  Studies show that an increase amount of time spent walking in the woods, combing sandy beaches or playing on the lawn with your kids can actually help eradicate illnesses, stress and ailments.  Believing this to be true, I set up an experiment to see if this actually would help my lack of flexibility and backaches that I had been experiencing.  To my surprise, there was no doubt that taking an extra fifteen minutes a day to participate in my favorite outdoor activity actually did wonders for these common problems felt by many.  What was that activity you ask?  Well, gardening of course!  Through a period of six weeks, I not only noticed a clear change but also developed a few tips for others who might be going through the same predicament.  Without strenuous positions or exhausting tasks, flexibility in muscles and depletion in upper and lower framework afflictions can be attained by following a few easy suggestions when enjoying a planting session of your favorite begonias. 


Before bending down to reach for your flat of plants, take a deep breadth from the diaphragm and release the air slowly from your lungs.  It’s sounds strange but professionals reveal that in general, people do not breath enough throughout their day, which can actually cause heightened anxiety and stress.  Think of it as your warm up exercise and you’ll notice right away the decrease in tension within your body.  Once you’ve done this your ready to fully emerge yourself in the “health” of gardening.


                                           photo credit:

Next you’ll want to get going with your potting and digging so remember when kneeling to do this very slowly as to avoid pulling or tearing of the joints.  When bending for multiple plants, bow at the knees instead of a full frontal curve of the back to the ground.  This will ease your way into the motion and give you toning as you repeat this movement throughout your session.


If you aren’t into kneeling by your flowerbeds and you’re not afraid of grass stains, sit your bottom right down on the ground and extend your legs in front of you.  While you are preparing the soil, take a second to stretch your arms as far down across your legs as you feel comfortable doing.  After you get the hang of this, try folding one leg behind you while still keeping the other leg straight.  You will feel a bit of tightening that means that the quad is stretching.  Other positions that are helpful for flexibility include laying your hands behind your back and forming an arch or lifting your arms straight above your head for a complete lengthening of shoulders, biceps and triceps.


                                photo via

Get out there and sample these ways to heighten flexibility and decrease back pain without ever having to leave your backyard.  You won’t believe the difference a good gardening day can do for your flowers and your body.

Tags: Gardening, Garden Roses, Gardening in Boston, #EXFL, exercise, Arbor Day, Earth Day

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