Life has its ups and downs as we all very well know and it can be hard to see someone we care about go through tough situations when there’s little much we can do. People have the natural instinct to reach out to someone they love when they’re struggling and often want to make a kind gesture to tell them they are thinking of them but aren’t sure exactly how this should be done. Being a florist, I’ve taken thousands of orders from those experiencing these exact same sentiments which urges industry professionals to continue brainstorming ideas that will help our clients with this task. Yes, sending a floral arrangement with a teddy bear is a very nice thought and continues to be a popular answer for many in this spot but sometimes a simple stem can turn the worst day for someone into believing there’s hope after all.

Creativity plays a huge part within coming up with suggestions on how to impress a loved one who is down on his or her luck. While a florist is readily available to help you come up with individualized schemes on how to gift a single rose in a clever way, here are some general notions for you to surprise a special someone to lift their moods up today.
- Place a stem of flowers in the door handle of their car. Trust me-it will make them melt when they see what you’ve left them on their way to work.
- If you’re liking the car motif, leave a rose on their windshield where it’s the first thing they see when they start the ignition.
- Hang a handmade, floral wreath on their door. Try using soft stemmed varieties like daisies and pussy willow to have the most success.
- Wrap a small bundle of lavender in their napkin before sitting down at the table. They’ll love how simple the act of kindness is and love the aroma they smell all throughout dinner.
- I know it seems like it’s been done to death but placing an exotic blossom of orchids on their pillow will really impress them and send them off to sleep with sweet dreams of recovery.
- Another oldie but goodie is to leave a sprig of hearty blooms like mums or asters outside their door to make it a secretive present from an anonymous friend.
- If you have some experience with designing, figure out how to hang a stem of phalaenopsis down from the ceiling using tape and a string. Not only will this be a clever approach but it will also add drama to your message.
- If you are dealing with someone who loves their computer, select their favorite flower and lay it across the keyboard where they’ll you know they can’t miss it.
- Thoughtfulness fills the pages of several plots we find in novels so why not leave a few stems of sweet pea used as a bookmark?
- You. Use yourself to hand deliver their favorite bloom and see for yourself face to face the magic gifting flowers can do…