It’s true… I was a florist for over twenty years in the Boston Wholesale Floral Industry- a job the where the word “difficult” might be an understatement for adequately describing the profession. Rain or shine, sleet or snow, the crew gathered together in the middle of the night to unload tractor trailer trucks packed with thirty to forty pound boxes which we would have to haul off, open and distribute before the sun actually had risen. It was grueling exercise, the kind of workout that would leave you aching for days in your back, legs and arms with little to no rest that would allow healing. Nevertheless, there was something inside of me driving the covers off when the 3:30 am alarm clock rang, the sound of a relentless drill sergeant commanding the start of a new day in the Boston Flower Exchange. Looking back, I could have left and got a job in an office like most twenty something’s do but instead I made the choice to stay. Regardless of the empty threats to leave the business in search of “easier” means of work, I continued to show up exactly on the hour required by employees (well, most of the time anyways…) and do my share of lugging, carrying and schlepping while being left with a strange sense of fulfillment at the end of the day. There could only be one explanation for this feeling that also came along with pain, exhaustion and bruises… I really loved being a florist.

Unbeknown too many people out there, being a floristis actually one of the hardest professions to survive within, and that includes both in terms of physical and financial wellness. There are long, grueling hours, limited opportunities for pay increases and the toll of heavy weight lifting on the body after years and years of exposure. Truly, you have to be one tough cookie to make it in the flower biz and as you can imagine- it’s not for everyone.
You might be wondering, “If it’s so bad, why do it then?” It’s an honest question with an honest answer-you’re a florist because you were born to become one. Seriously, it’s the truth. There are several personality traits that can lead a person into this profession which will determine if it’s the right fit for you. If you’ve always had an interest in this field, you might want to go over the top 13 traits of a true florist. Your destiny may be calling you…
The Top 13 Traits of a True Florist
- You’re Hardworking No Matter What
- You LOVE Anything That Grows
- Not Having A Garden Is Sacrilegious
- Working Saturdays Is No Big Deal
- You’re Inherently Creative
- You Like To Gamble
- Weather Conditions Don’t Affect You
- You See Yourself As An Artist
- Your Work Means More To You Than A Paycheck
- You Continue to Enjoy Learning Long After You’ve Finished School
- You Like People But You Like Time Alone, Too
- You Prefer To Move Than To Be Sitting Down All Day
- You Use Your Hands More Than Any Other Part Of Your Body