I was a wholesale florist for twenty + years and even though I’ve moved on to other career choices, the industry will always be a part of me. It is a business like no other I’ve ever found that sinks below your skin and maybe even into your heart long after you say goodbye. Many people wonder why this is and ask, “What makes being a florist so special in the first place?” If you’ve worked in this field, you know it’s not because it’s easy. In fact, that is one of the greatest misconceptions of the floral industry and no- not everyone can do it. For whatever reason, the flower biz is often thought of as a “creatively whimsy” existence demanding very little education or know-how to get started. A general opinion that “working with flowers must be such a joy!” or “being a florist must be like an eternal vacation!” is often a preconceived view. Is there any truth to these statements? Well… Not really….

Becoming a florist is honestly one of the hardest professions to stick with for a prolonged period of time do to the mental and physical stresses put upon employees. Realizing the image of designers and managers stopping to smell each and every blossom throughout their work day is a common misunderstanding, shedding light on the real conditions about what it’s like to work in the industry might prove interesting! Here is a list of the top ten signs you’re meant to be a florist and I’ll bet you’ll be surprised by the reality of the business. If you find yourself matching at least half of the qualifications, contact your local Boston florist immediately. They will be lucky to have you!
10 Signs You’re Born to Be a Florist
- You don’t mind waking up early-like REALLY early. (Retail 7am; wholesale as early as 2am).
- You’re okay looking messy most of the time. (Jeans, T’s and sweats are your go-to wardrobe. New clothes just get ruined.)
- Kissing most holidays and weekends goodbye is no big thing. (Yes-you’ll work through most of them).
- You can’t sit still. (Most florists rarely sit down for more than 1 hour during a 12-14-work shift. Nine-hour work days during busy seasons usually don’t exist.)
- Lifting twenty to thirty pounds is what you consider a healthy workout. (Florists unload dozens of pounds of product within a week. Weaklings need not apply.)
- Speed is your middle name. (You have to move and MOVE FAST in the flower business for unloading, setting up and design tasks).
- You have a strong memory. (You’re going to need to know hundreds of varieties of flora and fauna. Triple that if you work in a garden center.)
- You can multitask like nobody’s business. (Doing five things at once is your expertise. Small businesses rely heavily on their employee’s ability to work in several other positions than merely under their title in the shop.)
- You can be nice when you don’t feel like being nice. (Florists have to be upbeat for customers. No grumpy-gusses.)
- You’re satisfied with an honest day’s pay instead of an exec’s salary. (You may not make a ton of $$ but you’ll feel good at what you’ve accomplished.)