Sometimes we hear people's darkest secrets. Sometimes they make us laugh. A recent phone call below:
EF: 'Good morning, Exotic Flowers'
JM: 'Hi, my husband sent me flowers but you sent the wrong item.'
EF: 'Let me look it up. His name?'
JM: (name blanked to protect the innocent);
EF: 'We do not have anyone by that name in our system. What is yours?'
JM: name given
EF: 'Yes, we have your order 18 red roses.'
JM: 'My husband did not order that'
EF: 'I helped him myself. He was clear about what he wanted'
JM: 'No, we did not order that'
EF: 'He was here this morning and showed me what he wanted'

JM: 'My husband is out of the country.'
EF: 'Anthony? He paid me in cash'
JM: 'Oooooh, that's not my husband'
EF: 'Let's not tell your husband then'
JM: 'Don't tell Anthony either'