Let’s face it…. There’s no better place in the world to go Trick or Treating other than New England and if you are lucky to be living in Massachusetts, you’ll experience double the fun! After all, we do live in spook central being conveniently located close to Salem where the heart of witches and cauldrons were born. Yes, Halloween is a wonderful and fn time for all of us but its important to keep in mind safety factors for our little goblins and ghouls. This October 31st, make sure that you and your children go over precautionary tips that will help everyone enjoy Halloween to the fullest.

photo credit: clipartsheep.com
Safety Tips
* Never trick or treat alone! Always find a group of Dracula’s and Frankenstein’s to accompany you
* Carry a flashlight with you at all times and wear glow sticks for extra luminescence.
* Never run from house to house! Enjoy the stroll throughout the night-it only happens once a year!
*Look both ways before crossing the road! People driving should be extra aware of the occasion and SLOW DOWN.
* Wear tight fitting masks and costumes that do not have material or other accessories hanging that might cause an injury. Let’s make sure you say BOO instead of Boo Boo.
* Walk on sidewalks instead of lawns and never get into a car with a stranger!
* Do not enter any homes without an adult. Trick or Treating should remain outside and only visit houses that are well lit!
* Have your parents check all candy before eating and throw away anything that is hand made. Grandma Jenkin’s cookies are ok but never eat anything unwrapped from strangers!
* If you have food allergies, be on the look out for teal pumpkins, which are a sign that the house is giving out gluten free, peanut free treats!
* Trick or Treating in Boston is from 5-8pm so make sure you’re home in time for curfew since that’s when the werewolves come out!