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Exotic Flowers in Boston

Rick Canale

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So You've Never Been to a Flower Festival

Posted by Rick Canale on Wed, Dec 26, 2012

by Eve Pearce

For those who love flowers there is no better way of celebrating their passion than attending one of the many international flower festivals held throughout the world. An increasing number of keen horticulturalists are taking time off from hunting for the latest gardening deals and jetting off on their annual holidays, booked to coincide with these magnificently flamboyant events. It’s easy to see why they’re seduced to join in with the carnival atmosphere. Whilst there are a number of festivals closer to home, in the United States, sometimes it’s good to look further afield. Here we highlight some of the biggest and brightest flower festivals around the globe.


We always associate Holland with bulbs, of course, and they are a huge part of Dutch cultural life. For hundreds of years the Dutch have prided themselves on their superior growing techniques, and they lead the world in bulb production. The Bloemencorso – which is Dutch for ‘flower parade – is not a single event, but a series of them, which take place in many towns in the Netherlands and Belgium. The parade includes floats, and other vehicles, which are elaborately adorned with beautiful blooms. They always take place on the first Sunday of September. To see the largest of the festivals, go to Zundert, where only daliahs are used to decorate the floats, making stunning displays. Whole villages compete against each other, with the entire population getting involved, young and old. Each float is hidden inside a tent for decoration, so that prized designs remain hidden. It is a tradition for children to be involved in decorating the floats, and they are there to show off their creations on the parade day.

flowers float

Genzano Infiorata Flower Festival

Every June there is a huge flower festival held in Genzano di Roma, a province of Rome in the Lazio region of central Italy. This tradition has continued for over two centuries, and is held on the Sunday and Monday after the feast of Corpus Christus. A theme is decided the year before, such as the palette of Michelangelo, or the designs of the artist Bernini. The whole town takes part, and converges on Via Italo Belardi, with designs sketched out in chalk on the street, and outlined in soil. The pictures are filled in with colourful petals and flowers, and the whole effect is stunning. A patchwork of colour unfurls, like a beautiful carpet. The tapestry remains for two whole days while it is judged and admired. But, as ever, life must go on, and to end the festival local school children are invited to destroy the beautiful work, which is as much fun to watch and the construction of the carpet itself. As it has been running since 1778, there is a rich body of writing about the festival, from many famous writers who have witnessed it. Hans Christen Anderson remarked, “The whole street is a carpet of flowers.... Not even a breath of air moves and the flowers lie on the ground as if they were heavy precious stones...".

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Brussels' Flower Carpet

Another flower carpet extravaganza can be seen in Brussels , in August every two years. It is created in the Grand Palace Square, in front of the City Hall, a stunning enough location in itself. The display covers an area of 79 by 253 feet, and an area of 19,000 sq ft!  Millions of begonias are used to create another stunning display, which is best viewed from the top of one of the surrounding buildings. For a small 3 Euro fee you can get the best vantage point, and some great views of Brussels too. This tradition has only been running since 1971, but it’s a big tourist draw as it’s free if you stay at ground level, and just soak in the riotous colour.

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Pasadena Rose Parade

If you’d prefer to stay in the States then New Year in California might be just what you’re looking for. The Pasadena Rose Parade was first held in January 1890, and has gone from strength to strength ever since. It is widely televised on US networks and the competition is always fierce. It is part of the New Year Celebrations, and Californians certainly know how to have a good time. There are marching bands, floral floats and sports events. The floats are never subtle, but always huge fun and beautifully colourful – just right to welcome in the New Year. If you’re looking for a flower festival which has a whole lot extra on offer then Pasadena is the one for you.

Tags: Flower Festivals, Rose Parade, Rose Bowl, Eve Pearce

A Poem by Flower Design Legend Rich Salvaggio

Posted by Rick Canale on Thu, Dec 13, 2012

Holiday Poem Holiday Happiness by Rich Salvaggio

Snow-softened landscapes

And poinsettias brighten the spirit

Flames cavorting in the hearth

With boughs of holly draped along the mantel

And mistletoe dangling, tempting

Capturing kisses, giggles, and sparks!


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“Reprinted with permission from Flowers And Profits – Rich Salvaggio”


Tags: Poinsettia, Poetry, Teleflora, Christmas Trees, Christmas

Boston Flower Buyer Jon Bornstein Writes About a Kosher Christmas

Posted by Rick Canale on Thu, Dec 06, 2012

Hanukah. Chanukah. The Festival of Lights. Kosher Christmas. Kwanza’s hebrew brotha from anotha motha. Call it what you like, it’s December and the three-pronged multi-cultural holiday monster is rearing its ugly head once again. Unless, of course, you love this time of year, in which case let me say it (or sing it) differently: “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

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The ”eight crazy nights” (Sandler’s words, not mine) of Hanukah carry thousands of years of history and tradition with them. But for those of you who have only a passing familiarity with the rites and rituals of your Jewish counterparts during December (or the month of Kislev, for you Jewish calendar sticklers), I thought it might be fun to lay down a little fact or fiction. So fasten your seat belts, kids, and get ready to take your first steps into a much larger world as I drop some knowledge…


1)   Hanukah is not a major holiday on the Jewish calendar. Fact. You want the heavy hitters form the Hebrew holiday set, check out Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) or Yom Kippur (the day of atonement). The hullabaloo surrounding Hanukah is due in no small part to the gift giving, a tradition borrowed from our Christmas-observing brothers and sisters. Why co-opt a tradition that has nothing to do with our holiday? You parents out there know the answer. How many times can you listen to your kids ask in a pleading tone why their christian friends get presents for their holiday and we don’t? Exactly.


Hanukah commemorates the Jews reclaiming of the Second Temple from their oppressor King Antiochus. The wicked King had desecrated the Jews’ sacred house of worship while it was under his control in an effort to force them to embrace Hellenic religious beliefs. The Jews refused, observing and teaching the laws of their Torah in secret, and a small Jewish faction called the Maccabees hid and ultimately led a successful revolt to reclaim the Second Temple.


The central symbolic miracle that defines Hanukah occurred when the Jews were restoring the Temple, and went to relight the Ner Tamid (Eternal Flame). They only recovered enough oil to light the flame for one night. Miraculously, the flame stayed lit for eight days by which time new oil had been created to sustain the flame. Hence, the miracle that explains both the eight day duration of Hanukah, and its alternative name - “The Festival of Lights”.

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2)   The eating of fried food is not only allowed during the holiday, it’s encouraged. Fact. Like all Jewish holidays, there are foodstuffs associated with it. Since the defining miracle of Hanukah centered around the oil used to keep the Eternal Flame lit, foods prepared in oil, like potato pancakes (we call them “latkes”) and jelly donuts (we call them “sufganiyot”) are served during the eight day span. The pancakes are served with applesauce and sour cream. The jelly donuts are truly more like beignets with fruit filling, and in other parts of the world these tasty treats have a variety of filling options.


3)   The holiday is lousy with gambling. Fiction. Fact. Well, sort of both. Back during the rule of Antiochus, Jews were forbidden from studying and practicing the teachings of the Torah. They did so in secret, and they would cover up their activities when agents of Antiochus came around by pulling out a dreidel and a pot full of gelt (coins) to create the illusion that they were gambling. The dreidel, for those of you in the dark, is a four sided top with Hebrew letters on all four sides that stand for how much of the pot gets distributed on any given roll. The game is played with modern day “gelt” (gold foil wrapped chocolate coins), and the letters of the dreidel also stand for the Hebrew phrase which translates to “A Great Miracle Happened There.”


Look at you. Five minutes of your attention and you’re a hebraic holiday maven (that’s Yiddish for “know-it-all”). Thanks for tuning in this year, and don’t be such a big shot that you overlook the opportunity to send something nice to your friends and loved ones from Exotic Flowers. They’ve got more in their bag than just the pushing of petals So don’t be such a shnook! Check it out! And Chag Sameach! (Happy Holiday!)

 Jon Bornstein

Enjoy Every Sandwich


Follow me on Twitter @Zucrow

Tags: Jon Bornstein, Hanukkah Flowers, Hanukkah Decorating

What Would Exotic Flowers in Boston do if it won Powerball ?

Posted by Rick Canale on Wed, Nov 28, 2012

MASS POWERBALL 20100203223156 320 240 resized 600 If Exotic Flowers in Boston wins the $550 million dollar jackpot in Powerball tonight, rest assured your December orders will be filled. Don't worry your Christmas traditions from Exotic Flowers will remain through 2012. 

After Christmas however, the staff at Exotic Flowers would be bringing more than beautiful flowers with a half a billion dollars. 

  • we would have to turn the current flower shop in Roslindale into a year round Boston Botanical Garden which would be free to the public and kept in trust for the flower lovers in Boston.
  • local Boston churches, charities and schools who have been so kind to Exotic Flowers over the years will be rewarded handsomely.
  • the staff at Exotic Flowers in Boston would be handsomely rewarded and go on much deserved vacation.
  • a concerted effort would be made to work with The Women's Locker Room Foundation in helping homeless women.
  • and of course there will be lots of free flowers and roses for all our Boston clients until we close the doors.
If you're playing Powerball, keep us in mind when you win. No celebration is complete without flowers.

Tags: Lottery, Powerball, Boston Florist, Boston Greenhouse

Thanksgiving Letter to Our Clients at Exotic Flowers in Boston

Posted by Rick Canale on Mon, Nov 19, 2012

Thanksgiving Flowers in Boston

Thanksgiving, 2012


                        " I had the blues because I had no shoes. Until upon the street,

                        I met a man who had no feet." - Denis Waitley


Dear friends,

This quote reminds me every day of how thankful I am for what I have. The people in New York and New Jersey and the devastation from Hurricane Sandy, the civil war in Syria and the economic collapse of Greece all serve as daily reminders of how lucky we all are.

Thanksgiving remains my favorite holiday. We celebrate our good fortune with food, flowers, friendly and family. Like most of you all, Thanksgiving Day in my family has many stops, from an early day at work (we are open for hostess gifts until 1pm) to dinner at my house and then to my mother's house for even more feasting.

Thanksgiving Centerpiece Boston

Thanksgiving is a gateway to the holiday season. The holidays are filled with memories and traditions. It is never too late to start your own tradition. Flowers are a perfect companion to any memory or tradition.

Please know that we are at your disposal and send flowers worldwide.

with gratitude for your loyal patronage and friendship,


Thanksgiving Gifts

Tags: Traditions, Autumn, Thanksgiving, Holiday Memories

Exotic Flowers in Boston Supports The Women's Locker Room Foundation

Posted by Rick Canale on Fri, Nov 16, 2012

The Women's Locker Room Foundation: Helping the Women in Need From Massachusetts

At Exotic Flowers in Boston, we often get requests from many worthy causes and charities for donations. So many of the charities are deserving and unfortunately we cannot help them all. Recently, my wife Suzie Canale has spearheaded her own foundation that Exotic Flowers is proud to stand behind.
womens locker room foundation
Boston showcases its culture, education and architecture. Unfortunately, hunger and homelessness are present. Boston is not immune to these difficulties in hardships, where it is necessary to create new opportunities of aid, produce alternative means for assistance and encourage each helping hand to connect with another.   It is from this root of verity that The Women’s Locker Room Foundation of Massachusetts has manifested into an entity dedicated towards helping women in need.
The Women’s Locker Room Foundation is a not-for-profit whose mission is to supply homeless and newly housed women with cleaning and sanitation products commonly found in a woman’s locker room.  Founded and headed by Boston resident Suzie Canale, The organization appreciatively receives but is not limited to donations of unopened and originally sealed shampoo, conditioner, hairbrushes, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, toothbrushes and body wash.  The charity in return gives the items directly to shelters, non-profits and other assistance programs for women, hopeful to promote health and wellness.  The compassion and intent behind The Women’s Locker Room Foundation is based upon the desire to supply others with basic fundamental toiletries necessary to aid and uplift with self-care.    
Boston remains one of the greatest metropolises in the world, complex with an abundance of life moved by an inherent heartbeat to help one another.   Please consider joining this cause to support the women in need of Massachusetts.
If you or a local business and would like to donate, become a member or promote The Women’s Locker Room Foundation, please visit
                                 Donations can be sent directly to:
                            The Women’s Locker Room Foundation
                                  609 American Legion Highway
                                          Boston, MA 02131

Tags: Suzie Canale, Women's Locker Room Foundation, Homeless, Charity

Can a Trip to the Local Florist Save General Petraeus ?

Posted by Rick Canale on Mon, Nov 12, 2012

Petraeus Flowers
Not to capitalize on the misfortune of others, but flowers have always been a symbol of apology. Often times, men and women call or come into our store looking to bring flowers to their loved ones who they wronged. Can General Petraeus' marriage be saved by a visit to his local florist ? Maybe, maybe not.
Flowers are certain to help start the healing process. The 'Exactly How Mad Is She' bulletin board is famous for showing that flowers are a universal symbol of apology. 
Even if General Petraeus does not choose to bring flowers to his wife, then he still can romance his two mistresses with roses.

Tags: Apology Flowers, Sorry Flowers, Emotion Flowers, SAF

Glow in the Dark Roses at Boston Flower Shop

Posted by Rick Canale on Thu, Nov 08, 2012

Glow in the dark roses in bostonFor Immediate Release: 

Boston, MA - November, 2012

Exotic Flowers in Boston now has glow in the dark roses available. These roses actually glow in the dark. While they are white upon arrival, they flouresce in the dark. These glowing green roses are truly one of a kind. The roses are culitvated and created in Holland. Exotic Flowers, Boston's Premier Florist imports these roses.

describe the image These glow in the dark roses are quite scarce and need to be ordered well in advance. The Dutch keep the recipe of their creation top secret. At Exotic Flowers in Boston, we have found that the glow in the dark roses are a lot like any type of glow in the dark item. They need light to be recharged. If the roses stay dark too long, then they lose their charge and only appear a creamy white. 

Pricing varies on the roses anywhere from $10-$20 per stem. Supply is short. Exotic Flowers also carries and sells blue roses regularly. At Exotic Flowers in Boston, thousands of roses are readily available. Multi color, tie dye and rainbow roses are also available by ordering in advance.


Exotic Flowers remains at 609 American Legion Highway in Roslindale for more than seventy five years. Exotic Flowers is a family owned and operated business now in its third generation. An owner is always on site. A person always sees every order. 

Tags: Glow in the Dark Roses, Exotic Roses, Holland, Roses

How to Host an Election Day Party

Posted by Rick Canale on Sun, Nov 04, 2012


election day flowers resized 600 On Tuesday, November 6th 2012 - Americans will come together to elect our President. Whether we elect President Barack Obama or Replublican Challenger Mitt Romney, we are celebrating the trademark of our independence. One of the many great things about America is our ability to vote. It is a cause for celebration.

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Every Election Day, I wear my 100 year old Teddy Roosevelt campaign button and my wife and I take our children to our polling place and cast our ballots. We feel it is imperative to teach our children how important voting is at an early age. Ironically, my wife and I do not always see eye to eye on candidates and this year is no different. Having different political views would make our founding fathers proud. Where partisans see strife, we see how important each other's views are. If only our electorate could see things in our bi-partisan light.

This year, I will be up until the early morning awaiting the finally tally on our Presidential election. In preparation for Super Tuesday, I will be stocking the liquor cabinet in honor of Andrew Jackson who liked his beverages; the fireplace in honor of Abraham Lincoln who lived in a log cabin; and the table will be loaded with food in honor of President Taft. Trinkets and tokens of my favorite Presidents, Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Reagan will be strewn about. And of course no table setting would not be complete with Election Day Flowers. After all did you know that the White House has its own florist ?

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A Halloween Poem by Boston Author Suzie Canale

Posted by Rick Canale on Wed, Oct 24, 2012

Halloween is finally here,
With costumes, masks and treats,
As children run from door to door,
Ghosts and witches fill the streets!
But don’t forget the best of all,
The symbol of this night,
Pumpkins carved both big and small,
Glowing their toothy smiles bright!
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What’s that you say? Where should you go?
To find your perfect pick?
Exotic Flowers has the best in town,
Just ask for Sonny, Marie or Rick!
So stop on by to choose your favorites
Of orange, white or green,
Then get your candy bags in hand,
And have a Happy Halloween!
- Suzie Canale

Tags: Halloween Flowers, Suzie Hearl Canale, Autumn, Poetry, Author

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