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Exotic Flowers in Boston

Flower Bombs… The New Rage of the “Green” Wedding Fad

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Oct 28, 2016

It’s not news to most in the floriststhat the “Green Movement” has foraged straight though the wedding industry, from the flowers used in bridal work to the containers they are designed within.  Making a conscious effort to improve our environmental conditions and the future state that we live in is an important initiative that we’re all thinking about these days, a concept that should be taken seriously throughout all enterprises and businesses.  The flower industry is no exception, in fact we have come up with some awesome ideas to helps others find ways to integrate this important theme within their floral needs, particularly newlyweds.  Weddings are usually a huge production but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be aware of our earthly obligations.


The Bouquet

You may not know this but there are certain varieties of blooms that are more eco-friendly than others.  If you’re ordering varieties that come from local, sustainable farms, than you’re moving in the right direction.  Typically, when product is bought from nearby communities, there is less transportation fuel being used as well as the contribution to aiding the health and productivity of his crop and land.  Brides may think this means that they’ll have to hold a bunch of daisies or other type of wildflower in order to do this but that’s not true at all.  In fact, New England growers often cultivate species that are traditional for this occasion as well as exotic varieties for those who like contemporary design.  Roses, bromeliad and beautiful dahlias (when in season) are only a few tips of the icebergs when planning a “Green Wedding” ceremony and reception.


The Tables

There’s a lot of hubbub about the waste that goes into wedding flowers but the truth is, clever florists usually reuse the product that is left and repurpose it for other upcoming jobs.  If the bride and groom are interested in keeping their floral goodies, one way to cut back on waste is to gift the centerpieces to guests by playing a party game called “1-2-3”.  The way that you do this is to place a number underneath every plate setting from 1-8 (or 1-10 if that’s the table count).  Then pick one of these numbers and write it on another piece of paper that is placed underneath the centerpiece.  At the end of the night, tell your guests to check their numbers and the lucky winner gets to take home a beautiful arrangement of flowers!


photo credit via

Party Favors

Have you ever heard of a “Seed Bomb”? These things are so cool and are replacing packaged seeds due to their environmental benefits such as organic makeup and enhancement of wildlife.  Seed bombs are becoming so popular that couples are using them as party favors, too- a sure fire winner for New England gardening and flower enthusiasts!  All you have to do is whip up a concoction of scent free kitty litter, dirt, water and a few seeds, roll them up into balls and allow them to harden.  Wrap with a bow and there you have it!  Seed bombs aren’t just a clever way to cut back on costs for your wedding, but also a fantastic way to foster vegetation as well as enhance the bee population!   

Tags: Planning a Wedding, Weddings, Wedding Flowers, Wedding Favors

Waterfall Inspired Floral Arrangements

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Oct 26, 2016

Did you know that Niagara Falls is actually one of the Seven Wonders of the World?  If you’ve ever visited, you’d know why right away judging from the spectacular flow of crystal blue water and hypnotic rush of current.  

It’s Amazing, it really is.


Recently, we took a mini family vacation to Ontario, Canada and were able to witness one of Mother Nature’s most impressive creations.  We took a boat ride underneath the falls and could literally breath in the pure intoxication of it all, noticing the deep hues of color and the majestic architecture that forms this complicated system of water.  It’s no wonder why people travel all over the world to visit Niagara and why it is the one of the most replicated images in both paintings and photographs.

So it got me thinking…


If the attraction has been modeled so popularly within picture media, why cant the flower industry do the same? Floral arrangements can also be inspired by this theme and be used in a wide array of projects including bouquets, bridal and funeral work.  Designers would be able to focus upon utilizing product that are capable of being made into archways as well as blooms that either carry some shade of the blue and white spectrum.  Entire weddings could be morphed into a scene reflective of Niagara Falls just by implementing the right blossoms and stems into the floral framework.  

CASCADE_BOUQUET.jpg Long cascade - Photo Courtesy — American Institute of Floral Designers

Tags: vacation, Water Falls, Niagara Falls, Nature, Bouquets

A Floral Fantasy Tucked Inside Lovely, Ontario

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Oct 24, 2016

When you hear of a town named, “Lovely”, you might want to giggle to yourself.  You may envision pink houses with picket fences, perfectly mowed lawns or even a place that the temperature is always set at a perfect 71 degrees.  The picture that you’re seeing in your mind is probably leading you to believe that the town is completely fictitious but interestingly enough, it’s not.  Nestled safely in the banks of beautiful Canada, there is a place called “Lovely” and it holds reputable to the name it’s been given without a single fault.  


Quaint and beautiful this tiny little area is nestled within Ontario, Canada’s suburban outskirts, which yields thousands upon thousands of tourists annually.  No, the weather may not be reflective of a continuous day in early summer (it’s Canada after all, it snows) but it is home to a lovely town, with lovely, shops, and lovely restaurants to coax just about anyone to give it a try.   This tiny town is so “Lovely” in fact, that it is a popular location for cinematic production including “The Ref” featuring Dennis Leary.  Yes, all of these assets make this the ideal place for a little getaway, but most of all, for those who love flowers.

For some mysterious reason, the townspeople of “Lovely” have made it their personal crusade to out beat any neighboring area when it comes to landscaping architecture and floral designing.  If I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes, I might not believe it but when I say, “Wow”!  I mean it…

From the tops of the roofs, to outside window boxes and lantern posts, there are stunning baskets, arrangements, garden plantings, flower beds, loaded urns and thickly dressed pergolas designed to the nines with the most glorious flowers Canada has ever seen.  Lush greenery and blossoms popping with color spring from every direction as you stroll down the main street, which pulls you further inside the dream-like state “Lovely” has created.  It isn’t quite clear if there is a secret tribe of magical gardeners or perhaps a world-renowned society of floral designers who just happen to reside there but whatever the reason may be- the Town of Lovely is where you want to be.   

Take a look at these pictures I snapped while on my travels there and see if you’re just as amazed as we were with dramatic floral presence this community magnificently exudes!


Bright flashes of color including foliage, perennials, annuals and tropicals cascade over everything, particularly in areas close to shops, restaurants, and boardwalks.


Tags: Gardening, Flower Travel, Travel, Canada, Outdoor Planters

The Meaning of the Anemone Flower

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Oct 21, 2016

Those Pretty Anemones

I love all kinds of anemones

Simply because they remind me

Greatly and wonderfully of my earliest days

Of my childhood ...

I used to see them during Springtime…

By Mohammad Skati

The Anemone is a strong symbol for the beginning of spring and is often one of the first blooms to emerge from the newly thawing earth in some climates of the USA.  Not to be confused with the “Sea Anemone” the flower is commonly found in wooded areas and thrives within damp soil conditions with a high acidic reading.  Their appearance varies from shades of deep red all the way to bright purple, although once the bloom began to be cultivated by professional growers inside greenhouses, their colors expanded to other areas of the spectrum.  Now you can find these beauties in shades ranging from blush peaches, creams and pink.  Although the stem is delicate and will break easily if not held with care, the Anemone (or otherwise known as “windflowers”) will last longer in bouquets and arrangements compared to other seasonal varieties.  


photo credit:

The symbolic meaning of the flower is tied to Zephyrus (the God of the Winds) who fell in love with a woman while he was married to another.  His wife became so overcome with rage and jealousy that she cast a spell on the girl, turning her into the flowering Anemone so that her husband could no longer be with her.  Due to this tale, the flower is often reflective of “abandonment” or “longing” and sometimes has a “jilted lover”reference.  

Another notion that is tied to the flower is its ability to ward of disease and evil.  It is unsure where exactly this meaning is derived from although the motion of the petals to close during the night is one possible theory.  Some Eastern cultures tend to disagree with this position and believe that anemones are future signs of bad luck.  As a matter of fact, the bloom is commonly seen as part of casket sprays and sympathy baskets at funeral ceremonies and burials.  

Since the flower has a wide array of symbolic meaning across the globe, it is wise to give the anemone as a gift to patients in the hospital gesturing “get better soon” or as to newlyweds to reinforce the idea of “faithfulness” and “loyalty”.  If you are unsure of the appropriateness of the occasion, be sure to ask your local floristfor help to avoid any embarrassing mixed messages about the Anemone.  

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, Language of Flowers, Flower Meanings, Anemone

Woodland Themed Floral Arrangements

Posted by Suzie Canale on Thu, Oct 20, 2016

October and November are sensational months to take advantage of a stroll through New England’s gorgeous woodlands.  Everything is alive with warm color and freshly scented-perfection when it comes to autumn magnificence along our forest pathways. Fortunately, nature enthusiasts aren’t the only ones becoming inspired by this stunning setting.  In fact, the florists of Boston are also paying close attention to this seasonal display and are actively transforming their September centerpieces into new designs that reflect this current trend.  By utilizing particular shapes, hues, sizing and scents, designers are successfully replicating a forest motif throughout their floral work and are seeing a huge appeal from their clientele.

woodland_florals_francoise_weeks.jpgphoto Ted Mishima via

Internationally recognized floral designer Francoise Weeks will be hostong a floral workshop in Arlington, MA this weekend. 

Friday and Saturday, November 4 & 5, 2016, 9AM to 4PM each day

Hosted by Barbara Popolow of:
Derby Farm Flowers & Gardens
218 Massachusets Ave
Arlington, MA 02474

If you are looking to ramp up your design skills, the staff at Exotic Flowers in Boston recommends this workshop. 

Tags: Floral Design, Floral Training, Trends, Francoise Weeks

The States and Their Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Oct 19, 2016

Have you ever wondered what the state flower of Massachusetts is?  It’s actually the Mayflower.  Can you guess why?  Well first of all, there’s the obvious reason of the name being tied to our founding father, Christopher Columbus who sailed the ocean blue until he landed on Plymouth Rock.  The ship he rode over on was also called “The Mayflower” making it the perfect flora from the northeast to symbolize.  Also called climbing laurel or trailing arbutus, the pretty purple blossoms are clumped together in a delicate pattern holding a sweet fragrance that makes it a favorite among many New Englanders.  Mayflower prefers sandy sediment or rocky soil that is typical where evergreens grow so if you’re taking a walk in the woods, keep your eyes peeled!


Like the meaning and sentiment the mayflower represents to the residents of Massachusetts, people across the U.S. pay homage to a particular flower that makes them unique from surrounding areas.  Each and every state has an assigned bloom that tells a special story reflective of a historical background, a topographical attribute or traditional rite.  Check out your state flower by following the grid below!






Saguaro Cactus blossom


Apple blossom


California Poppy


Rocky Mountain Columbine


Mountain laurel


Peach blossom


Orange blossom


Cherokee Rose


Hawaiian hibiscus (ma‘o hau hele)


Mock Orange


Purple Violet




Wild Prairie Rose








White pine cone and tassel


Black-eyed susan




Apple blossom


Pink and white lady's slipper











New Hampshire

Purple lilac

New Jersey


New Mexico

Yucca flower

New York


North Carolina

American Dogwood

North Dakota

Wild Prairie Rose


Scarlet Carnation


Oklahoma Rose


(Floral Emblem)


Oklahoma (Wildflower)

Indian Blanket


Oregon grape


Mountain Laurel

Rhode Island


South Carolina

Yellow Jessamine

South Dakota

Pasque flower






Sego lily


Red Clover


American Dogwood


Coast Rhododendron

West Virginia



Wood Violet


Indian Paintbrush

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, Florist Massachusetts, Flowers, Mayflower, United States

The Symbolic Meaning of Passion Flower

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Oct 14, 2016

Passion Flower

Choose who will the wiser part,

I have held her heart to heart;

And have felt her heart-strings stirred,

And her soul's still singing heard

For one golden-haloed hour

Of Love's life the passion-flower.

So the world may roll or rest,

I have tasted of its best;

And shall laugh while I have breath

At thy dart and thee, O Death!

By Victor Daley


Photo credit Christie Brinkley via Instagram

I used to collect Passion Flower samples and hang them from the hooks all around my apartment because I was drawn to their bright purple and chartreuse colored blossoms and their delicate branches that wove tendrils throughout the plant.  The characteristics of its weird and wild head make all the more allure and quite a conversational piece as well.  Also referred to as “Passiflora Caerulea”, this flowering plant actually originates in North America, which is rare for warmer climate loving tropicals.  The deep hues and architectural attributes also make this beauty a highly desirable decorative feature for home décor designers as well as florists who specialize in cultivating orchids.  The affordability factor compared to other similar species is also an attractive element as is their year round accessibility for ordering from high end wholesalers.  

The symbolic relevance of the Passion Flower is almost entirely circumvented around religion, specifically Catholics and Christians.  Travelers settling in the United States from Spain first saw the plant as a sign of the Crucifixion.  Due to the flower's symmetric numerical values and interesting fringed petals and tendrils, onlookers believed that the design of the flower symbolized the ten apostles, crown of thorns and cross to which Jesus was nailed to.  It isn’t really clear whether a sighting of the Passion Flower was a good or a bad omen but the gravity of coming upon one during their travels usually led to a direct visit to church for prayer.  The passion flower also bears large orange and yellow fruits, which contains seeds colored blood red- yet another indication of the weighty religious significance.   

Other areas of the world such as India believe that the Passion Flower is a symbol of the Five Pandava Brothers, a family who were all married to the same woman named Draupadi.  Again, connected by the flower’s unusual appearance, the several sepals that surround the head are said to represent an army of a thousand men while the exquisite blue hue in the center is reflective of the Divine Krishna’s aura.

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, Language of Flowers, Exotic Flowers, Flower Meanings, Passion Flower, Christie Brinkley

Halloween Flowers in Boston - What is Hot ?

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Oct 12, 2016

October is a time for warm fires, cozy sweaters, apple cider and jumping into leaf piles.  For many New Englanders, it is their favorite time of year, but there is one group in particular who seems to be inspired by the crisp change of the seasons the most.  That’s right-Boston florists love the autumn months because a fresh batch of product containing different hues of color and texture begin to arrive.  


Not only are many of the varieties longer lasting than the species within the summer collection, but they possess interesting new textures that are fun to play with.  From farm stands to backyard gardens, these beauties are bursting through the earth ready to take their moment in the spotlight and it’s up to us to come up with fantastic ways to do just that!  New species that are usually in high demand during October are orange sunflowers, millet, chrysanthemums, wheat and deep colored roses.  For right now, we’re going to shelve the pastel look but there’s still a ton of wiggle room for those who don’t prefer the rich combination of orange, red and yellow that we usually see now.


Tags: Halloween Flowers, Halloween Decorating, Floral Design, Halloween

The Symbolic Meaning of Heather

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Oct 10, 2016

If you ever go to Scotland

on a summer day,

you'll fall in love with Heather

Heather's blooming along the


Raising their tiny heads to

address the day

you won't believe their beauty

They will take your breath away.

This is a magical time, Heather's

growing wild and free

looking at a field of flowers

Captivated, by their beauty.

By Heather Burns



photo credit: David Kesler, Floral Design Institute, Inc., in Portland, OR via Flower Factor

Heather is an old fashioned flower that has bell-like heads, which grow in shrubs along rocky hillsides and meadows.  Due to their preferred growing conditions, this species requires very little attention and will flourish in areas that are rural and untouched by human development.  The heather species was first found in parts of Asia as well as Europe, particularly within Scotland borders.  Originally, the plant was called “hather” which translates into “open land covered with flowers” but was eventually changed to “heather” after the term “heath”.  The petals are colored in white, pink or mauve, each holding a different meaning depending on the hue.  In general, heather stands for independence, solidarity, protection and sorrow although different cultures have adapted their own symbolism through traditions and folklore.

One story describes the flower as being traced back to the early battles that took place on Scottish soil.  White blooms of heather were worn by soldiers on their chests to mean “protection” against the enemy and given by maidens to wish them “good luck”.  It was important that the flowers were white because if they were gifted in darker shades, the opposite was true.  Pink or mauve varieties were seen as “blood-shed” and “death” of fallen soldiers and would sometimes be planted near the corpses after warring had ended.  It is popular belief that not only will white heather never grow near the deceased but it is also the home to nymphs and other magical creatures.  If you’re ever hunting for fairies, stay away from the darker shades because they symbolize the bearer of bad news.

While it is true that heather surrounds several different notions of dying and feeling of being by oneself, there are other stories that celebrate the heather’s importance with immortality.   Most famously is the story of a princess who fell in love with a soldier who she was promised to marry.  Though unfortunately he was killed before they could be wedded, the princess planted only white sprigs of the plant at his grave and swore that no unhappiness shall ever come to another person who beholds the shade of white heather.  

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, Language of Flowers, Flower Meanings, Heather

Carrots Are The Main Event in Harvest Floral Arrangements

Posted by Suzie Canale on Sat, Oct 08, 2016

I’m a New Englander, through and through and that means raising a hardy garden is pretty important during the harvesting months.  I’m also a lover of flowers having once been a wholesale florist right in the heart of the city.  These two passions sometimes simultaneously combine to create new ways of putting vegetables, fruits and yes-blossoms together. carrot.jpg 

photo credit:

Since we’re nearing the time when gardens shed their summer food and focus more on root vegetables such as kale, cabbage, broccoli and onions, many florists are taking this opportunity to push forth-innovative ways to use the changes of the season within their daily work.  Why use edibles in centerpieces when traditionally they’re used to eat?  Because they too offer a boom of color and can compliment autumn floral varieties better than expensive stems that would otherwise be used as the primary product.  Not convinced yet to try out this new trend?  Just take a look at what some of the finest designers came up with just by adding a typical bunch of carrots to their bouquets!


photo credit:


Tags: Floral Design, Flower Arrangements, Harvest Season, Fall, October

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