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Exotic Flowers in Boston

Are You Really Getting A Deal Buying Super Market Flowers?

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Jan 17, 2018

It’s not current news that supermarkets have entered the trade of floral pedaling and plan to stay for the long haul.  Almost every Stop and Shop you visit has set up a flower counter where bunches of roses, pom-poms and gerberas are readily available to add quickly to your cart.  For many customers, this is a bonus during their experience of stocking up on Campbell’s soup and toilet paper because on the service it looks like a great deal, but is it?  Are you getting the quality of flowers you deserve and has the product been pre-conditioned before placed into buckets of water?  These are only a couple of questions professional florists have posed to grocery stores who compete to sell the same inventory as retail locations but is it really the same product to begin with?  By taking a look at some facts about the industry, we can get a better answer to the question, “Are you really getting a deal buying super market flowers?


Well, let’s take a look at the benefits first and start with the obvious; “THEY’RE CHEAP!” In most cases, yes, bouquets bought at these food outlets will typically cost much less than those designed by a reputable florist.  The number #1 explanation is because they are using product of lesser quality so profit can be made at a much lesser price.  In some cases, the product is even being purchased “on spec” meaning whatever isn’t sold at the end of the day is returned and thrown out by the supplier. The other reason is due to the fact that arrangements created by designers working in flower shops have been trained with trade education as opposed to their competitor who might have a person behind the counter who has little to no knowledge about the floral biz.  When this happens, there is likely to be an inferiority regarding the item being sold on the shelves and god forbid you have a question about the blooms or how to care for them when they leave the store.  

So, you see, the benefits aren’t really benefits at all unless you want to focus on the convenience factor.  Yes, it will be easier to grab and go while snatching a carton of milk but don’t be surprised if you have buyers regret.  Statistics show, grocery bought flowers have half the life expectancy as a sample taken from an established florist and can even sometimes be damaged without the customer knowing.  Keep a keen eye on foliage that has been stripped to the head of the bloom which is another clear indicator the product is old.  Also, be weary of bruised and ripped petals that may be located towards the bottom of the stem.  Colored packaging material attempts to camouflage this problem, don’t be fooled!  Ask to always have the blooms you’ve chosen to be wrapped in front of you.  

Okay, it’s time to talk truth about what your florist can deliver which Stop and Shop can’t.  First off, professional florists have superior knowledge about everything having to do with flowers because this is the single area in which they specialize.  Ask them a question and I guarantee they’ll be able to find the answer quickly and efficiently.  Point #2, they want to keep you coming back for more so they’ll do whatever it takes to assure you consistent quality every time you step through their door.  Grocery store clientele tends to change considerably with a huge turnover when compared to flower shops who work hard to please their customer basis for years to come.  The last but not least final clue is that even though you might be spending more, you will notice the clear difference right away in the bundles you bring home which will increase your customer satisfaction in the long run.  The next time you are torn between the mega store cheap buy, think about these factors that will affect the outcome of your experience and choose to support local, small business florists instead.    

Tags: Flowers, Bouquets, cheap flowers

The Symbolic Meaning of Bougainvillea

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Jan 15, 2018

Bougainvillea is a stunning flower which is favorite to many who have fallen in love with its cheery appearance and brightly colored petals.  Considered a traditional bloom, New Englanders have long been planting this variety in and around their homes even though the original origin traces back to tropical climates.  Native to the Caribbean Islands, Rio de Janeiro as well as South America, countries such as Brazil and Granada use this bloom as a symbol frequently within their culture, celebrating the beauty and charm of the species.  Grown in shades of red, orange, pink, white and some variegated tri-colors, the soft and delicate “paper-like” petals have made it famous across the world.  In some nations such as Guam and Granada, bougainvillea is so special that it has become the official flower where it is purposefully grown in abundance.  In many of these places, you can see these flowers blooming everywhere from the side of the road to gorgeous cascades drifting across rooftops and down the walls.  


The symbolic meaning of bougainvillea changes from one area of the globe to another but the majority claims it stands for a sign of welcoming visitors and beauty.  Hawaii is a prime example who sometimes exchanges the orchids used in leis with florets of bougainvillea on special occasions.  In other cultures, the plant is considered a symbol of peace and an encourager of free trade between two entities. Others believe that gifting a stem to a loved one will ignite passion within the relationship.  

Talking in terms of floral design, these beauties can really lift up a drab arrangement and fill it with interesting texture and hues.  Although the flowers are not prone to cold winter weather here in New England, on occasion, shipments will be flown into Boston during the warmer months of the year.  There is also the possibility of finding a native supplier who harvests this variety during temperate periods of the calendar.  In this case, invest in buying a bundle of branches which you can take home and showcase in a tall clear vase.  Other ideas on how to use bougainvillea include potting in small ceramic containers for your windowsill or transporting the plant into a hanging basket where the branches can flow freely.  Either way you choose, this stunner is a perfect addition to any flower lovers collection.

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, Language of Flowers, bougainvillea

Can Flowers Make You Less Hungry

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Jan 12, 2018

Come on… Admit it…

Who out there DOESN’T put on a few pounds during the holiday season?  The cookies, pies, desserts, roasts, casseroles and buttery goodness- who can resist?  The deliciousness that extends across our tables during the yuletide month is a joyous treat to dine on with family and friends but once January rolls around, you’re well aware of the damage it may have caused to your waistlines.  Are those pants feeling a bit snug once the advent calendar has been put away?  Well, have no fear!  A healthier you is just around the corner with a little exercise, low calorie menu and awareness for smaller proportions.  Believe it or not, there’s also a few tips local florists might be able to supply customers with such as a bountiful bouquet of blooms that might actually decrease your yearning to clean out the kitchen cabinets.  Temptation can be a hairy monster to deal with when attempting to pull off a couple of pounds but luckily, there are flowers said to curtail an over brooding appetite and replace it with soothing vibes of happiness and relaxation.  By adding a few stems of flowers with powers to hook your senses with fragrance, eye appeal and texture, you’ll be well on your way to tightening up that bod in time for bikini season!  Try requesting these species from a talented designer and see if these blooming effects work on you!


Red Roses

Red roses aren’t just for Valentine’s Day!  Study shows that people surrounded by the color red while dining are more likely than not to eat less than a person surrounded by blue or white.  Some experts believe the reason lies with a human being’s natural inherency to associate red with danger or harm.  Even poison labels typically use the shades red and black to signify the product is harmful so it’s no wonder why we may shy away from the color while ingesting food.  The scent of the rose helps as well depending on the variety.  The stronger the sweetness of the aroma, the less likely it is for you to go for that second helping of dessert!

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photo via


Before you get all in a tizzy- I don’t mean to imply everyone should start smoking if they want to shave off a couple of notches on the old belt.  What I mean by “Nicotiana” is actually the beautiful plant that produces white blooms and grows pretty, soft green foliage.  The smell of the sepals reminds most of the herb pepper, which is typically labeled an unappetizing scent.  Try placing a few pots of this on your patio and see if the effects of Nicotiana aids in decreasing your spoonsful of pasta next spaghetti night. You’ll also like the fact that this species is relatively cheap in cost unlike a package of cigarettes can run you.

Green Calla Lilies

Green Callas are another great breed of flowers to try adding to your home because they remind one to generally add fruits and veggies to their plates every day.  The shade of green is also a solid choice to purchase for plates as well because “going green” extends to healthy eating habits, specifically food grown from the earth.  The curve of the bloom is another excellent distraction for binge eaters because the shape symbolizes fullness and completeness.

Tags: Flowers for Emotional Health, Roses, exercise, About Flowers, Health

Coco Movie Shines a Light on Marigolds

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Jan 10, 2018

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Have you seen the movie “Coco” out in theaters yet?  If you haven’t there are so many reasons why you should grab your ticket stub now and hurry down to the cinema!  Not only is this children’s film filled with sweet sentiment surrounding the importance of family but the writers cleverly added a detail that you know I can’t resist talking about… FLOWERS!

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If you aren’t familiar with the plot of the flick- I’ll fill you in on the basics of this deep and moving story.  Miguel is a young boy growing up in Mexico with a family who has shunned music entirely from their homes.  The practice dates back to the his great-great grandfather who abandoned his wife and child to follow his heart to become a world-renowned musician.  Of course, Miguel wants nothing more but to follow in the footsteps of the man believed to be the greatest singer/songwriter/guitarist of all time but will he defy his elders to do it?  The problem comes to a crossroads when his grandmother refuses to give him her blessing to follow his dreams, pushing the boy to take matters into his own hands.  Seeing only one way to fix this problem, Miguel travels to the “other side” in search for his true grandfather on “The Day of the Dead”- the one evening of the year when the deceased can be reunited with their loved ones.  Will Miguel meet the man who changed music forever or will he remain trapped and lose his family forever?


You’ll have to watch to find out what happens but back to the part about the flowers…

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What I loved most about the film was the incredible cinematography, particularly the scenes shot with the “Petal Blessings.”  The marigold being the lucky flower chosen to signify the gesture, audiences will be pulled into the screen by the glowing, magical, orange offerings symbolizing hope to trust in yourself.  His grandmother even teaches Miguel the importance of remembering the dead with a shrine of flowers.

Tags: Language of Flowers, Flowers in the Movies, Hollywood Florist, Flower Meanings, Marigold

Snowy Arrangements

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Jan 08, 2018

While some (like myself) choose to hide underneath layers of wool and fleece during the colder months of the season, others relish in the snowy months doing whatever they can to suspend the colder days of the calendar.  There is skiing, ice skating and snow shoeing to partake in the chilly outdoors while other indoor activities such as sewing, knitting or cooking appease to others.  For many of the creative types wandering around New England, they see yet another way to explore the beauty and enchantment our home as to offer by tapping into to their imaginations and diving in to their love of flowers.  If you find yourself in this category and adore this season’s blissfully, beautiful charm, why not design arrangements that are thematic of the snow and ice we are surrounded by (probably until next spring)? Truthfully, by using specific accents and a certain variety of blooms, you’ll be able to build gorgeous displays of winter inspired presentations.  Here are a few tips to get you going!


Using white flowers may be an obvious step in the process but many times people aren’t aware of the large spectrum of species available to them when designing a piece representative of winter.  White cymbidiums, hyacinth, anemones and peonies are excellent substitutions for more boring options of mums and roses.  Implementing sparks of gray is also a great way to further push the motif like sprigs of lamb’s ear, silver brunia and pussy willow.  If done correctly, a mixture of these two-color tones is simply stunning and makes a perfect centerpiece for any holiday gathering.  When selecting a vase, keep in mind the look you are going for such as selecting a metallic container to inspire an “ice” appearance or a frosted bubble bowl to mimic snow.

Here’s another great example of using the natural beauty around us to turn an ordinary flower arrangement into a winterized bouquet.  Think white birch vases that are becoming very popular and can be bought in craft stores such as AC Moore and Michaels.  Adding hints of green can be a remarkable way to transform your piece into a tree-like model and if you really want to impress onlookers, add a few berries and pine to complete the conversion.  Eucalyptus is another great foliage to keep in mind for these arrangements as well as mimosa greenery.

One last piece of advice is to always add flavors of blooms that you prefer over what is seen on the cover of a magazine.  Many times, we get the false impression of what is available when we become sucked in by these professional images and regret not making our own rendition with what we have on hand.  Winter centerpieces can be made in a variety of ways and if you keep the color palette and texture in mind, whatever you come up with is assured to be absolutely stunning.  


Tags: Snow, Paper Whites, January, winter

Beautiful Arrangements to Cozy Up to this Winter

Posted by Suzie Canale on Sat, Jan 06, 2018

Baby, it’s cold outside!  New England winter weather is a season of snow, ice and gusty winds that make us all want to find warm and comforting ways to take solace until the spring returns once again.  Perhaps your method is to light a fire or invest in a nice wool sweater- if you’re from these parts, it’s a guarantee you’re looking for anything to heat your body and mind up! One way to put the sizzle back in your life is by stimulating the senses such as sight and smell.  By surrounding yourself with pleasurable triggers that ignite these sensations, we can encourage inner happiness to fight off the freezing months.  One way to go about this task is to select particular types of flowers that are known to be excellent inducers of warm and fuzzy feelings.  For some it is their shading of petals and for other varieties, the scent is the beneficial element to create this magic spell.  If you’re having trouble with the wintery blues this season, try picking out one or more of these stunning blossoms to pick your spirits up and out of the cold.

For the Aroma

Freesia- Freesia is one of the best blooms to add to your home from December through February because the smell it fills a room with is absolutely unforgettable.  Not too sweet and not too strong, this incredible spring flower will waft you towards your Eden of heated sanctuary.


Hyacinth- Hyacinth is another great example of a bloom that has the magic power to elude you into thoughts of warmth and peace.  Available in a wide range of colors, you won’t have any problem finding these buds in your local flower shop this winter as well as other floral carriers in the area.

Narcissus - Paper Whites are one of my own favorites because you can either use them in arrangements as a cut stem or watch them grow from a single bulb.  The scent is pungent- I’ll warn you but if the smell appeals to your nose, they will probably become a frequent investment for many winters to come.

For the Sight

Charm Peonies- Oooooohhhh, Charm Peonies are an A-Lister in many high-end flower shops and the reason lies in the truth that these remarkable blossoms are stunning enough to be left alone in a vase by themselves. The bushy outer layering of the petals looks like feathers and the deep red shading resonates with many as meaning passionate, intense and alluring behavior.  


Anemones- Anemones are another go-to during this time of year, offering a naturally cheerful vibe to any area where an arrangement is displayed.  Not only are the heads adorable in pretty shades of purple, red and white but the foliage is just as enticing due to its wild appearance.

Tags: Paper Whites, January, winter, Hyacinth, Anemone, Freesia

What’s New in Flowers for 2018

Posted by Suzie Canale on Thu, Jan 04, 2018

Happy New Year my fellow floral enthusiasts!  It’s a brand-new year and we have safely left 2017 behind us with the hopes that 2018 will definitely be an even better one for us all.  If you’re in the flower biz or just a major flower fan, you’re probably wondering what we can expect for upcoming trends.  I for one, am really excited about what the forecast foresees as the next popular line of design when it comes to arrangements for both weddings and events.  Although there are always the looks that stay with us due to their constant demand in the market, you’ll be pleased to know that expert designers are whipping up a fresh batch of gorgeous blooming expressions which will take 2018 to greater heights than ever before.  Realizing we all have our favorite bouquet combinations and color palettes, there’s still room to expand our taste to include some of these special new creations.  Check them out and see what appeals to you!

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Wedding Bells

If you are getting married this year, be on the lookout for the popular arrival of headwear wreaths.  This whimsical natural display appeals to both the environmentalist and the couple hoping to infuse an ethereal feel to the garments worn by flower girls, bridal maids and even the bride herself.  The theme is light and airy combined with an angelic touch that creates a stunning platform to say, “I do.”  Many of these wreaths are made from soft pedaled flowers such as ranunculus, sweet pea and tea roses but others can be constructed using pieces from eucalyptus and magnolia leaves which also work well.  As for bouquets, visionaries predict pink on pink on more pink so if this is your favorite hue- you’re really in luck this 2018.  If this seems a bit much, ask your florist to cut back the tone with hints of gray and white.  By mixing in these colors, you’ll decrease the “pop” of pink while presenting an elegant wedding style.


Party, Party, Party!

When planning a party or other special event this upcoming year, keep in mind the newest tone to create a huge sensation-mauve.  You might be wondering where in the world you’ll be able to find this rare hue but funny enough, there is a list of species which are grown in this exact shade.  My favorites being lisianthus, ranunculus, drumstick allium and sweet pea, which appear almost as a cross between gray and purple.  Pair this with peach, gray, white or cream and you’ll have yourself a beautiful décor!  Just as we discussed previously in the wedding section of this post, don’t be surprised if the pink, pink, pink theme seeps into the realm of 2018 party planning.  Again, if this isn’t your cup of nuts, mix it up with the mauve to cut up the boldness of these arrangements.

Tags: New Years Resolutions, January, winter, About Flowers, New Years

Flowers Radiating the Feeling of Warmth

Posted by Suzie Canale on Tue, Jan 02, 2018

Okay… Okay… Who out there is starting to wonder when the heck temperatures will rise again suitable for human existence?  Nine degrees?  Five degrees?  Negative 2 degrees?  I mean, seriously- are these weather conditions or points on a graph?  It’s no wonder why we’re all a bit cranky due to wrapping up under fourteen layers of fleece, wool and down comforting material.  Who wants to appear like the Abominable snowmen every day they show up to work or (god forbid) out on a date for dinner?  It’s almost embarrassing the outerwear we’re required to wear to deflect the nastiness of the frigid New England winter.  It’s a tough season with tough conditions so we need to do all we can do to push ourselves through to sunnier days ahead.


By now if you’re a real local, you probably have a list of useful items and practices that help you trudge through the harsher days of the calendar.  Good book?  Delicious casserole recipe?  A wood burning fire?  These are all great ways to evade the ice and cold associated with this time of year but if you’re into flowers- I may have my own tip in mind for you!  It’s a fact that growing plants and flowers can lift up your mood so why is it so unbelievable they may be able to warm are thoughts too?  I dare you to disagree with the notion that placing comforting knickknacks around your home can actually decrease aches, pains, depression and anxiety based emotion.  Throughout time, people have been implementing their own personal touches of therapy when the snow outside keeps falling so it’s high time you tried a little botanical magic to include in your practices, too.  Here are a couple of the best blooms to brighten the forces of warmth and keep you nestled contently until the spring rolls around again!


This is probably an obvious factor but it’s one to bare reminding if you don’t already know… Flowers that typically symbolize warmth usually tend to be grown in shades of red, orange and yellow.  Clearly-this is based on the association with fire but funny enough-the color combo works.  If you’re not into this scheme, data shows that blooms harvested in dark purple are efficient as well so search for plum hued blooms like calla lilies, ranunculus, and hyacinth.  

Varieties that Look and Act Fantastic as Floral Warmth Givers:

Orange Mokara Orange Roses Yellow/Red Sunflowers

Red James Story Orchids Eggplant Lisianthus Purple Lilac

Red Amaryllis Plum Hydrangea Black Eyed Susans

Orange French Tulips Purple Anemones Yellow Marigolds

Red Amaranths Purple Sweet Pea Chocolate Cosmos

Tags: Orchids, Tulips, January, winter, About Flowers

Sweet Gestures to Make with Just a Stem of Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Tue, Dec 26, 2017

Life has its ups and downs as we all very well know and it can be hard to see someone we care about go through tough situations when there’s little much we can do.  People have the natural instinct to reach out to someone they love when they’re struggling and often want to make a kind gesture to tell them they are thinking of them but aren’t sure exactly how this should be done.  Being a florist, I’ve taken thousands of orders from those experiencing these exact same sentiments which urges industry professionals to continue brainstorming ideas that will help our clients with this task.  Yes, sending a floral arrangement with a teddy bear is a very nice thought and continues to be a popular answer for many in this spot but sometimes a simple stem can turn the worst day for someone into believing there’s hope after all.  


Creativity plays a huge part within coming up with suggestions on how to impress a loved one who is down on his or her luck.  While a florist is readily available to help you come up with individualized schemes on how to gift a single rose in a clever way, here are some general notions for you to surprise a special someone to lift their moods up today.  

  1. Place a stem of flowers in the door handle of their car. Trust me-it will make them melt when they see what you’ve left them on their way to work.   
  2. If you’re liking the car motif, leave a rose on their windshield where it’s the first thing they see when they start the ignition.
  3. Hang a handmade, floral wreath on their door.  Try using soft stemmed varieties like daisies and pussy willow to have the most success.
  4. Wrap a small bundle of lavender in their napkin before sitting down at the table.  They’ll love how simple the act of kindness is and love the aroma they smell all throughout dinner.
  5. I know it seems like it’s been done to death but placing an exotic blossom of orchids on their pillow will really impress them and send them off to sleep with sweet dreams of recovery.
  6. Another oldie but goodie is to leave a sprig of hearty blooms like mums or asters outside their door to make it a secretive present from an anonymous friend.
  7. If you have some experience with designing, figure out how to hang a stem of phalaenopsis down from the ceiling using tape and a string.  Not only will this be a clever approach but it will also add drama to your message.
  8. If you are dealing with someone who loves their computer, select their favorite flower and lay it across the keyboard where they’ll you know they can’t miss it.
  9. Thoughtfulness fills the pages of several plots we find in novels so why not leave a few stems of sweet pea used as a bookmark?  
  10. You.  Use yourself to hand deliver their favorite bloom and see for yourself face to face the magic gifting flowers can do…

Tags: Apology Flowers, Emotion Flowers, Flowers for Emotional Health, About Flowers

Winter Bridal Bouquets for this Christmas

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Dec 20, 2017

Believe it or not- Christmas is a very popular time of year for couples to take the plunge down Boston’s wedding aisles.  There are several reasons for this phenomenon, one being the most obvious-it’s a striking season here in New England where the weather has created your own natural backdrop for a beautiful bridal platform.  Snowy hills, crystal snowflakes, glistening icicles and boughs hanging with twinkling lights all add to a stunning theme that brides just can’t resist.  A second reason lies within the fact that quite often, expenses can be slightly lower compared to costs associated with the popular June wedding making it another enticing issue when planning a matrimonial date.  A third attractive pro for throwing a yuletide wedding affair is the abundance of gorgeous flowers such as amaryllis, white roses and a plethora of imported orchids that talented florists can arrange into memorable centerpieces and hand-held bouquets.  Speaking of winter bouquets…

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photo via Pinterest

2017 seems to be no exception for the busy season many wedding planners are gearing up for as well as floral designers who are creating seasonal masterpieces for brides to showcase on their special day.  Traditionally, you may have seen a ton of flat, red rose arrangements but now there’s a contemporary approach to matching December’s theme with a list of fresh, alternative blossoms.  Trending this month is a sophisticated color mix of burgundy and cream, white with pine cones and seasonal greenery, exotic tropicals and also a wintery combination of white, gray and green.  All very different from one another in style, check out these exquisite bridal bouquets which might just be the ideal vision of bridal bliss you’ve been looking for!

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photo via Pinterest

This is one of my favorite examples of how to ditch the standard white, green and red motif for something far more interesting…  In this bouquet, we see white and green striped cyclopediums enhanced with white hydrangea, seasonal foliage and ruffled green gerbera daisies to finish the piece.  This is for the bride who isn’t afraid to walk on the edge of wedding traditions- a bride who dares to be different and isn’t at all inhibited to have all eyes glued on her.  Yes, this is going to run a little pricey but the good news is, these species should outlive other alternatives because of their sturdy stems and heads.


Tags: Bridal Flowers, Weddings, Wedding Flowers, December

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