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Exotic Flowers in Boston

How to Get Your Boss on Board for a Weekly Flower Delivery

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Mar 12, 2018

So, you’ve been at the same office job for a while now and the gig is a pretty good one.  You can’t really complain earning a decent salary, hired by an okay boss, working in a clean environment and having co-workers who are congenial for the most part.  Career wise, things are going well and for the most-you’ve got everything you really want with the exception of one tiny perk… The entire office is devoid of any flower arrangements…  


photo via

Why is this a big deal?  Well, as you may have already learned from previous blog posts, regular exposure to fresh blooms provide a wide array of benefits both in physical and mental terms.  This means that choosing to elect a regular, standing order from a local florist will likely heighten the moods and progress of employees thus increasing the company’s overall productivity.  If you look at things this way-it seems like a no brainer, right?


Unfortunately, many businesses feel as though a vase of flowers is not worth the cost of investment even though most of the top Fortune 500 companies use plants and flowers in many of their headquarters to positively affect their staff.  In some circumstances, business owners do not believe that the theory holds any substantial value and instead prefers to think of a weekly flower arrangement as a waste of financial revenue. Although this attitude can prove difficult to turn around, it’s not completely impossible…

If you find yourself in this predicament, I have a few tips to turn the tables on the importance of office floral design so that you can do some serious convincing to whoever is in charge.  Study these top reasons why flowers can be of value in the office and give him/her a presentation of the facts. When you are finished, slip a reputable florist’s business card under their door and hope for the best.  If the outcome proves dim, revisit the idea in another few months.

  1. Flowers heighten positive moods by using their different scents and colors.
  2. Flowers generally increase the brain’s ability to problem solve.
  3. Flowers can propel new levels of creativity just by being within the same vicinity.
  4. Flowers are capable of lowering anxiety and in turn, foster feelings of relaxation.
  5. Flowers are a great source of conversation, which can spawn a greater communication flow between coworkers.
  6. Flowers tell employees that you care about them and want them to be happy.
  7. Flowers make a space more appealing, providing a nicer environment to work in.

Tags: Rutgers Floral Study, Boston Flower Delivery, Office Parties

Saint Patrick’s Inspired Floral Arrangements

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Mar 09, 2018

Who doesn’t love Saint Patrick’s Day-the one holiday of the year that everyone who wants to be is a lucky Irishman!  If you live here in Boston, it’s likely you’re looking forward to March 17th just like I am and you may even be getting ready to plan a get together with friends and family. This event has a long history of popularity within this city and is easily one of the biggest nights for celebration in the northeast region as well as Europe.


photo via 

If you are hoping to pack in some people for a fun and festive evening of Irish tradition, you may want to get a jump on finding just the right items for décor.  You’ll need green streamers, a decadent spread of corn beef and cabbage and for the grand finale- a centerpiece worthy of even the feistiest of all leprechauns!  Yes, flowers are the perfect accessory to add when throwing a Saint Patty’s Day soiree and as luck would have it, florists have just what you’re looking for!  Stocking inventory with authentic, cheerful and affordable blooms, designers are ready to whip up arrangements that will set the tone of your party precisely the way you want.

Tags: St Patrick's Day Flowers, Traditions, March

10 Signs You Are Born to Be A Florist

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Mar 07, 2018

I was a wholesale florist for twenty + years and even though I’ve moved on to other career choices, the industry will always be a part of me.  It is a business like no other I’ve ever found that sinks below your skin and maybe even into your heart long after you say goodbye.  Many people wonder why this is and ask, “What makes being a florist so special in the first place?”  If you’ve worked in this field, you know it’s not because it’s easy.  In fact, that is one of the greatest misconceptions of the floral industry and no- not everyone can do it.  For whatever reason, the flower biz is often thought of as a “creatively whimsy” existence demanding very little education or know-how to get started.  A general opinion that “working with flowers must be such a joy!” or “being a florist must be like an eternal vacation!” is often a preconceived view.  Is there any truth to these statements?  Well… Not really….  


Becoming a florist is honestly one of the hardest professions to stick with for a prolonged period of time do to the mental and physical stresses put upon employees.  Realizing the image of designers and managers stopping to smell each and every blossom throughout their work day is a common misunderstanding, shedding light on the real conditions about what it’s like to work in the industry might prove interesting!  Here is a list of the top ten signs you’re meant to be a florist and I’ll bet you’ll be surprised by the reality of the business.  If you find yourself matching at least half of the qualifications, contact your local Boston florist immediately.  They will be lucky to have you!

10 Signs You’re Born to Be a Florist

  1. You don’t mind waking up early-like REALLY early. (Retail 7am; wholesale as early as 2am).
  2. You’re okay looking messy most of the time.  (Jeans, T’s and sweats are your go-to wardrobe.  New clothes just get ruined.)
  3. Kissing most holidays and weekends goodbye is no big thing.  (Yes-you’ll work through most of them).
  4. You can’t sit still.  (Most florists rarely sit down for more than 1 hour during a 12-14-work shift.  Nine-hour work days during busy seasons usually don’t exist.)
  5. Lifting twenty to thirty pounds is what you consider a healthy workout. (Florists unload dozens of pounds of product within a week. Weaklings need not apply.)
  6. Speed is your middle name. (You have to move and MOVE FAST in the flower business for unloading, setting up and design tasks).
  7. You have a strong memory.  (You’re going to need to know hundreds of varieties of flora and fauna.  Triple that if you work in a garden center.)
  8. You can multitask like nobody’s business.  (Doing five things at once is your expertise.  Small businesses rely heavily on their employee’s ability to work in several other positions than merely under their title in the shop.)
  9. You can be nice when you don’t feel like being nice. (Florists have to be upbeat for customers.  No grumpy-gusses.)
  10. You’re satisfied with an honest day’s pay instead of an exec’s salary. (You may not make a ton of $$ but you’ll feel good at what you’ve accomplished.)

Tags: Boston Florist Staff, Working in a Florist, Florist

Oscars 2018: The Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Mar 05, 2018

If you are a movie goer, I bet you were like me and millions of other people who tuned in to watch the 2018 Academy Awards.  The annual ceremony aired across the country, gifting the little gold man to a multitude of different talented actors including some newer faces we haven’t seen before. You could tell by the extra special glam producers made sure to highlight both on and behind stage that this was show they wanted audiences to remember.  Set décor sparkled, evening gowns glittered and the guest of honor himself (Mr. Oscar Statue) gleamed with perfection in the glow of the lights.  Yes, the details were impeccable from floor to ceiling and that does not exclude the flower arrangements from being part of that list.


photo via Mark's Garden, Los Angeles CA

Mark Held, owner of Mark’s Gardens of sunny California is the go-to guy for Oscar worthy blooms that are year after year displayed majestically at the event.  Never to disappoint his clients, Mark consistently designs floral pieces that are in precise harmony with the prestigious event, which continue to blow guests away with their undeniable beauty.  His vast knowledge and experience within floral design allows him to create unique blooming creations that become part of the set themselves. For example, it’s not surprising when guests are frequently interviewed in front of his arrangements and floral props as well as the perfect place to pose for pictures and web videos.  After taking a peek at Oscar 2018’s featured bouquets and centerpieces, there is no denying that Mark Held remains reigning master florist who can be considered a “starlet” in his own right.

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photo via Mark's Garden, Los Angeles CA




Tags: Celebrity Florist, Hollywood Florist, Los Angeles, Marks Garden, Oscars

Plants and Flowers Should Be the First Items Bought for A New Home

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Mar 02, 2018

Are you getting ready to move into a new home soon?  Are you finding yourself buried beneath boxes of stuff and feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whole process?  A great way to relieve stress accumulated by the experience of relocation is to make sure one particular item is at the top of your “To Be Purchased” list.  Funny enough, the answer isn’t silverware, furniture or plates but something else that can provide you with pleasure, relaxation and also an aesthetic appeal-plants and flowers.  According to flower shop owners, a large percentage of their clientele is derived from people who have just moved into a new apartment or purchased their first home and are looking for greenery to spruce up their abodes.  Luckily, these florists are prepared with a list of their own that can guide customers towards personalized choices which are just right for them!  From garden growers to those who lack a green thumb, there is something for everyone to help make the moving day more fun!  Take a look at these top picks for yourself that also make wonderful gifts for friends.

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Nothing says “Smile!” like a fresh bouquet of spring daffodils to brighten up a place.  These beauties are both cheerful in color but also contain an aroma that will fill any space with a sweet scent.  These flowers are stunning in a simple vase and work best when arranged in large clumps with several stems.  The daffodil comes in shades of yellow, white, peach and variegated shades of peach so you’ll have fun picking out the right tone you’re looking for.  Another benefit of purchasing daffodils is that they are usually relatively inexpensive can be bought in several different locations including your yard if it happens to be the right time of the year.

If you’re more of a plant person than you have a ton of options that are perfect for dressing up a new home and all are readily available from your local florist. First off, we have the Spathiphyllum plant that is almost unkillable with even the worst plant care. These pretty plants are tropical in appearance and require little water or sun to do just find on their own.  Other great ideas are Boston ferns which are a bit fussier but are gorgeous on a hanger or placed in urns as well as the cactus plant- another ideal variety for those who are too busy to pamper a plant.  

Tags: Flowers for Emotional Health, Stress, Real Estate

The History of the Shamrock

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Mar 02, 2018

March 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day and people all over this city are getting ready to show their Irish pride!  While there are sure to be events celebrated all over Boston with green beer free flowing everywhere, I think it’s important to take the time to acknowledge the history behind the four leaf clover.  As a floral professional, I can’t tell you how many requests we receive for potted plants of clover or specialized flower arrangements with hints of the greenery slipped here and there amongst the blooms.  Clovers are a huge part of the Saint Patty’s Day tradition so let’s do a little research to find out exactly why we go crazy over these tiny florets every March.  


photo via Rittners School of Floral Design, Boston MA

The origin of the shamrock really does have interesting roots once you start digging since it was primarily used by Saint Patrick to introduce the religion of Christianity into Ireland.  He chose the sprig as a symbol of this faith because of the three leaves which he believed was a sign of the Holy Trinity.  Because its three leaf shape, it was also valuable due to the fact that the number “three” was held as an omen of good fortune even though we associate a 4-leaf clover as the one holding all the luck.  As time wore on, the cloves were actually seen for a brief period of time as meaning a sign of rebellion.  If you were caught wearing any evidence of the plant, you were immediately considered any enemy to the state.  This belief did not last long thankfully, and eventually returned as a sign of spring, luck and Irish pride.


photo via

Today, shamrocks are recognized all over the world and not just on our beloved Saint Patrick’s Day.  No matter what your religion or origin, millions of people search each year in the hopes of finding a four-leaf clover, although a three-leaf clover brings good tidings, too.  Standing for love, hope and faith (in the case when a fourth leaf is found-God), this tiny treasure is Mother Nature’s gift to the adventurous heart who seeks out the magic of the petals growing across green countryside.  If you do not have access to a blooming lea, supermarkets often carry pots of clover during the months of February through April at an inexpensive cost.  For those who enjoy growing their own, you’ll be happy to know that shamrocks (or otherwise known as Oxalis) are perennials which bloom every year as a ground cover.  Many of which are planted as a bulb, the best places to start your own crop are nearby garden edgings or rock formations.

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, St Patrick's Day Flowers, Traditions, Saint Patricks Day, March

How to Select Flower Arrangements for a Child’s Birthday Party

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Feb 28, 2018

It’s your child’s big day and you’re in the heat of planning the perfect birthday celebration for twenty to thirty friends without a clue as of how to do it.  Don’t worry- there’s an easy and fun way to create the ideal celebratory extravaganza that will fit your budget as well as put the “Wow” factor on the faces of guests.  How do you start?  Well, contrary to popular belief, not all parties for small children have to have a set theme.  Clifford, Smurfs and My Little Pony topics can be incredibly detail oriented that can become overwhelming and impossible to afford on a tight budget.  Give yourself a break and allow yourself a bit of wiggle room by opting for streamers balloons and lots and lots of flowers!  Whether you have a special birthday girl or boy, use these tips to work with a local florist to create an age appropriate blooming presentation that will set the festivities off with a bang.  Choose to navigate the task by implementing these tips for boys and girls or mix and match the colors any way that you want.  Remember, birthday fun starts with cheery ideas and joyous accessories, so don’t be afraid to use your imagination and go for it.


For Girls

Quite often, we associate the color pink for girls but there’s other options available if you feel limited to this hue.  Lavender, purple, chartreuse, peach, lime green and yellow are also feminine in nature and are stunning when two or more are arranged together.  Ideal varieties may include ranunculus, hybrid delphinium, anemones, calla lilies, gerbera daisies, forsythia and tulips.You can even incorporate a jelly bean filled vase for the festivities.

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For Boys

Just because it’s a boy’s birthday party, it doesn’t mean that you should forget the idea of using flowers as part of the décor.  Many blooms can be very masculine such as delphinium, geraniums, calla lilies, orchids, roses and sunflowers.  Colors that work well for this occasion include maroon, white, blue, red, green, bright yellow and orange.  You can either choose one of these shades or blend together a few flavors to brighten up the room where your party is to be held.  If your hesitant about this idea, grab some truck, sports balls or Lego containers (works well for girls, too) and use these as the flower holders.

Tags: Flower Arrangements, Party Flowers, Kids

New Spring Blooms For You

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Feb 26, 2018

I know… I know… Winter in New England seems endless but really there is a bright spot of sunshine just around the corner.  For Bostonians, the spring season is a reminder of how beautiful the rebirth of the earth truly is and the importance of celebrating that miracle once the warmer climate arrives again.  For many of us, this time is an opportunity to get outside and plant our own miracles into our freshly thawed gardens with the hopes that very soon, we’ll see flowers rebloom in the months ahead.  The month of March might seem too early to get our trowels out of the shed but there’s no law against making a plan of what varieties may spark our green thumb interests.  As you know, spring species are very different from the hardier varieties that flourish during the summer and because of this, it’s important to think ahead so you’ll be ready for April, May and June crops.  Many gardeners will use catalogs or perhaps stop over at their local nursery to see what will be in stock as others rely solely on the breeds they’ve come to depend on year in and year out.  If you are looking to change things up a bit in your flower beds, here’s a list of both old and new spring blooming species that are already turning heads!


Hyacinth photo via

Ruby Moon: This is a wild take on the traditional hyacinth bulb because it is grown by seed and looks more like a vine than the typical cone shape you often see.  Pretty lavender flowers shoot out from the stem, which appears more branch-like than the thick base you are used to.

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Sweet Pea photo credit via

Nimbus: Sweet Peas have always been one of my favorite spring blooms and I can’t say that I’m partial to any particular color since they are all stunning.  I did find this new variety called “Nimbus” which just might change my mind and there’s good reason… This type of sweet pea is multi-colored with dark purple and white- a variegated dimension of the regular straight purple or white.  You can mix these with any other flowers you have growing or plant a patch to make a striking effect.


Merlot Red:  Just like the name says; this scabiosa variety is very similar in shading to a glass of dark red wine and boy, is it spectacular!  You don’t often come across a breed like this in New England so if you happen to stumble upon it during your next greenhouse visit, grab them while you can!


Copper Image: If you’re into peach, you’re going to love this new double pink variety that resembles closely to a garden rose.  These beauties are trending to be designers top pick in 2018 and there’s no doubt as to why…  Copper Image tulips are not only breathtaking to the eye but are also effective as a filler in sparse areas of your garden.

Tags: Tulips, Hyacinth, Spring, March

Mountain Lodge Floral Design

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Feb 21, 2018

Calling all ski lovers out there!  I bet you have been enjoying this snowy winter and hitting the slopes as much as possible… Am I right?  From the months of December through March, thousands of New Englanders race to places like Sugar Loaf and Wachusett to pass this chilly time of year with some fun on the peaks.  Exercise, entertainment and beautiful views keep skiing the top hobby for most Bostonians, with new families joining each year to learn the ropes.  If you’re one of these people, you know there’s nothing better than flying down a mountain at warp speed with the wind rushing through your hair as you take that next jump with maybe one exception…  Perhaps some down time in the lodge?

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photo credit: via

Experts in this industry know that a large percentage of customer satisfaction depends on the client’s comfort when they return from a day out in the snow.  Top architects and interior designers purposefully create areas that are warm and pleasing to the eye with the intention of refueling guests with luxury surroundings.  Crackling fireplaces, soft leather couches and a stained wood interior reflecting the natural beauty of the great outdoors are all a part of the floor plan owners look to present to increase winter vacation experiences.  The overall goal being to send visitors home in a relaxed mindset.

Of course, if we’re talking about how to set the stage for a stunning snow lair, we obviously can’t forget the impertinent role of accessorizing with flowers, right?  If you’ve ever stayed at any one of these ski resorts, I’m sure you’ve noticed there is almost always a floral centerpiece featured inside the lobby which reflects the sentiment of the location.  Often, these pieces utilize varieties mirroring the essence of the mountains such white astilbe, heather and flowering branches.  The idea is to design arrangements that appeal to all the senses while visually being free flowing.  Berries such as privet are great additions to this look as well as hypericum and bittersweet when the season allows.  Often, many assume that these flowers have to be “Christmasy” in color but red, white and green are not the only hues to choose from.   Beautiful mixes include white/gray/green, lavender/green/gray and blush/gray/white are a few color combos to put at the top of the list.  There can always be variations of these pairings but I like these the most when trying to reconstruct the efforts in my own home.  Yes, that’s right-there’s nothing stopping you from making your own mountain lodge ski piece even if you have no plans of hitting the slopes this year.  Just remember these tips and you’ll be able to whip up your own wintery bouquet!

-Select stems that are longer in length as opposed to short.

-Bend branches to make a waterfall-like shape rather than a compact format.  

-Choose varieties customary to mountain regions such as wildflowers, feathery foliage and leafy greenery.

-This is one time when you might want to forget roses and go for something more daisy oriented to create an authentic presentation.

Tags: January, winter, February, Decorating

Why Flowers and Poetry are Important

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Feb 19, 2018

In a day and age where sports have seemingly become the most important thing to watch, talk about and read about with the exception of politics, it’s no wonder why people are starting to forget about some of the finer pieces of literature a library or bookstore can offer patrons.  Too often, the latest ho-hum debut of a baseball biography will take the place of both children and adults reaching out to the finer novels that undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.  Take poetry for instance… Do you know that this means of writing can also enhance a person’s hand eye coordination, problem solving skills and overall intelligence?  What about the notion that prose directly affects a human being’s capability to react and cope with higher emotional control that of a person who denies this genre all together?  It makes you wonder why are we ignoring this ever so important source of learning?  Dylan Thomas once said,


Poetry is what in a poem makes you laugh, cry, prickle, be silent, makes your toenails twinkle, makes you want to do this or that or nothing, makes you know that you are alone in the unknown world, that your bliss and suffering is forever shared and forever all your own.”

That’s a pretty great reason to brush up on a little Keats or Poe but some of you may be wondering, what does that has to do with flowers?  The answer is EVERYTHING when you make the connection.  Both poetry and flowers are a form of artistic expression which demand a person to search below the surface to understand its meaning.  Whether you have grown a patch of sunflowers in the garden or arranged your favorite spring blooms in a vase, you are penning your own form of communication that doesn’t necessarily require an overt explanation. Much like putting together word on word stanzas, blossoms also have to find a way to dance together in an appealing manner which gives off the appearance of an important statement.  Designers are well aware of that they are not only piecing together a bouquet of cut flowers but making a symphony of feelings and emotions much like poet seeks out to do with his/her writing.  


If you feel like neither of these two areas have been explored lately, maybe it’s time to try your hand at both?  Still not convinced?  Read these wise quotes preached by the experts who claim flowers and poetry or for the true renaissance man.

“Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them.” ― Dennis Gabor

“Pure mathematics is, in a way, the poetry of logical ideas.”  – Albert Einstein

“Perfumes are the feelings of flowers.” ― Heinrich Heine

Tags: The Arts, Poetry, Poet, art

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