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Exotic Flowers in Boston

I'm Sorry Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Aug 28, 2017

“Make Up or Break Up” – we’ve all been there before, probably on both sides of the fence at least once or twice where we find ourselves struggling to either fix the broken aspects of a relationship or decide to cut the cord.  It might not be the most pleasant period of a romance but it is one, which gifts us with useful experience to bring into the future even when it can be painful.  While some partnerships are just not capable of repairing irrevocable damage, there are others that are in fact salvageable, particularly when showing the depth of which you care.


Boston florists understand this fact all too well and are quite accustomed to assisting the broken hearted in their efforts to win back the object of their affection by offering a token- a floral token.  For centuries, eons and light years across history, both men and women have been using the gesture of gifting flowers to smooth the bumpy course of love and heal the damaged facets of their relationships.  As you can imagine, there’s never a “sure thing” outcome.  After all, each partnership is different and requires its own unique medicine when it comes to mending fences but flowers are always a great place to start.

So how big or small of an effort should you make?  Well, that depends on your partner’s taste and just how serious of a problem you’re facing.  In most situations, if it’s a guy who’s purchasing the flowers, he’ll typically opt for a generous bundle of fresh blooms hoping to make an impressive impact.  When you’re talking about women doing the apologizing, the opposite is usually true where she’ll decide upon a smaller bouquet or even a single stem.  Why is this true?  I have no idea but industry experts report the statistics in their experience and apparently this holds water.  Does it mean you’re limited to this framework?  Absolutely not but if you’re not sure on how to go about buying flowers for your pickled partner, this is a solid piece of advice.  Another aspect you’ll want to keep in mind is favorite scents, colors and varieties your partner may have.  Also, get creative and think back to better times when things were more romantic and offer flowers that have some sort of importance in your relationship’s history.  A walk through a daisy field, roses from a Valentine’s Day first date or a vase of sweet pea celebrating a past anniversary are usually effective winners and could be your best bet.

Good luck and don’t worry if the flowers don’t do the trick.  Chances are, it just wasn’t meant to be…

Tags: Language of Flowers, Sorry Flowers, Emotion Flowers, Flowers for Emotional Health

Holding Onto Our Summer Flower Beds

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Aug 25, 2017

We are well into August now and I hate to tell you- but our flowerbeds are coming to an end for another year.  It’s sad, I know to see such a beautiful miracle of colorful blooms meet their demise when it seems like we’ve only just started to enjoy the warmer weather.  I personally get a little down when the new season shows signs of ascending down upon us and grow weary of the days ahead where my green thumb’s work will be buried underneath mounds of snow.  Yes, yes there’s always next year to look forward to but still- if you’re like me, the whole presumption can feel a bit depressing…

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It is for this unavoidable truth that I make sure to bask in the last weeks of summer gardening with feverish tenacity in the hopes that these memories might just carry me through yet another stormy New England winter.  Even though we can see the tall stalks of hollyhocks begin to bend and the heads of gigantic sunflowers withering their heads, we can still take it upon ourselves to do some last minute snipping, caring and tending for our beautiful flowers.  The generation of gorgeous blooms is a talent that shouldn’t be taken lightly so why should our determination to preserve these triumphants not be weighed as equally?  Just by completing a few final floral tasks, we cannot only savor the sweet success of the gardens we’ve created but also encourage next year’s harvest to be one that flourishes healthily.  Take a moment to see if you’ve made sure your garden remains in good hands for the colder temperatures and don’t forget to snap a couple of final pictures to last you until next April!

  1. Clean out all debris surrounding the plants to make spring-cleaning a little easier next April.  You’ll thank me later…
  2. If you have pine needles nearby, sprinkle some at the base of the plants.  If we have a frigid winter, your flowers will thank you for the extra blanket.
  3. Remove shoot perennials that have sprung from the master source to avoid unwanted spreading that might choke other root systems.
  4. Make a vase of cut flowers that are still blooming.  You might as well make a bouquet for yourself!

Tags: Gardening, Gardening in Boston, winter, August, Garden

Keeping a Flower Diary on your Cross Country Outing

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Aug 25, 2017

If you’ve never driven across country, you should definitely put it on your bucket list because it’s the opportunity of a lifetime!  We are so lucky to live in a country where we are home to hundreds of different types of regions where each and every environment can be different from the next.   Many people in other parts of the world have to get on a plane or cross the border into the next country to experience the richness that we already possess in our climate and ecological systems.  The variations are vast and expansive which makes the U.S. the perfect spot to spend vacation time studying the eclectic nature of our landscape.  The best way to do this is by planning a car trip where you can visit a multitude of different places at your own pace.  Stunning variations of trees, lakes, oceans and plant life are all at our fingertips-especially when we’re talking about flowers that graze our earth in splendor!


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If this idea is right up your alley, you’ll want to make sure you have a few things to bring with you which will make recording and referencing a whole lot easier.  All of the items are relatively inexpensive, a wise  invest before you leave:

  1. 1 blank notebook that can be used for a journal and sketches.

  1. Charcoal pencil for drawing and eraser. (Yes, pencils are fine too but charcoal will capture the specimen’s better.)

  1. One or two preferred reference guides to help you decipher unfamiliar species of plants and flowers.  If you’re into a more “tech” approach, download “PlantSnap” or “Ipflanzen” from the App store.

  1. Plastic baggies are a great thing to bring if you’re planning on taking a flower or plant home.  Just make sure the specimen is not poisonous or you’ll be taking along with you an unpleasant memento.

Now that you’re all stocked up, it’s smart to know a few of the species abundant in certain regions of the country to help you navigate properly.  For instance, Massachusetts’ most popular native flowers are carpetweed and violets while California hosts a wide spread population of poppies.  Here’s a few states to get you going on your way, which can help you plot your floral adventure!

  1. Nevada- Verbena 4.  Alabama- Agrimony
  2. West Virginia- Yarrow 5.  North Carolina- American Hornbean
  1.   Texas-Blue Bonnet 6.  Vermont- Broad Leaf Arrowhead

Tags: USA, Travel, About Flowers, America

Floral Dreams and Their Meanings

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Aug 23, 2017

Have you ever woken up from a strange dream and wondered, “What the heck was that all about?”  Do you dream about climbing the tallest mountain, being diagnosed with a fatal disease or find out that you’re pregnant while fast asleep?  Maybe you dabble in the erotic side of REM relaxation and wake up with a whole story wrapped up in romance just for you?  We’ve all let our imaginations go while safely tucked beneath our covers and often contemplate what the meaning of each voyage means.  There are books upon books describing the different possibilities, which may define our unconscious interpretation of reality versus fantasy.  Personally, I’ve had countless dreams over the years that have left me dumbfounded and even concerned by the ones curetted during the more stressful times in life.


One re-occuring episode I experienced over and over again was dreams about flowers while working in the wholesale floral industry.   It was commonly practiced that I’d imagine bunches of roses and freesia rambling around in my mind, which I guess is normal for people who work with flowers, isn’t it?

Apparently not…

It turns out that those who have images of blossoms swimming around in their heads are dreaming about plants for a particular reason.  If the flowers you’re dreaming about are colorful, it means that you are full of kindness and compassion or you have just completed an act in the same spirit.  This can also mean that you are about to come into a financial gain and it might be wise to close that business deal you’ve been keeping on the fence or splurge on a raffle ticket.  Another meaning can signify perfection and spirituality, which often translates into the person’s actual personality.  In general, a colorful bouquet is a dream you want to hold onto because it can only mean good things are ahead.

If it’s a singular flower on the other hand…


photo via McQueens Flower, London, UK

Flowers that are dreamt about of a particular species can translate into deeper inferences, both good and unfortunately bad.  Take the sunflower for instance which can stand for wealth but also the idea of being wronged blindly by another person.  Bachelor Buttons are another interesting example since this blue stunner can signify a weakness in a lover’s relationship that might need significant nurturing.  If you are not currently attached to someone and have this dream anyways, it can mean you are lonely and wanting to find companionship.  Keep your eyes peeled for a red rose because this is surely an omen that romance is on its way!

Tags: Emotion Flowers, Flowers for Emotional Health, About Flowers, Bachelor Buttons, Cornflower

Smarty Pants Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Aug 21, 2017

You might not believe this but there are actually flowers in existence, which make you smarter just by placing them nearby in your living space.  Whether they are growing in a garden or sitting in a bouquet upon your coffee table, particular floral species have the ability to spike human intelligence along with other essential vital components.  According to research, inherent properties such as smell, color and texture influence our brain’s activity in a positive way.  While each of these characteristics will have different results depending on the person, the inhalation of sweet scents, the visual of a striking color and the touch of softness on your fingertips all encourage higher neuro-wavelengths in the cranium.  


Other benefits from regular exposure to flowers can also determine mood changes, stress levels and the body’s ability to recover from injury.  I bet you don’t think about the impact you’re really having on someone when you send flowers to the hospital but the gesture truly is another form of medicine that you are gifting the patient.   Doctors routinely indicate that a present of fresh cut blossoms boost endorphins, which assist the ill with beneficial energy that is needed to heal.  Another area where we’ve seen an obvious favorable floral outcome is within a person’s mood transformation when exposed to certain flowers.  For those who need enhancers to correct issues of depression, anxiety or temperament, you might want to add a bunch of fresh daisies to their daily lifestyle to improve their outlook.  Yes- it really works!  70% percent of people who experience these symptoms admit a weekly stop at their local florist increases their mood and overall outlook.  

If these benefits sound alluring, you might want to check out this list of varieties that are said to work wonders for the brain.  Including intelligence, creativity, personality and bodily system regulation, these buds are top notch in helping you reach your full potential!

  1. Celosia- The appearance of this flower says it all since it closely resembles the image of a human brain.  
  2. Sweet Pea- This pretty spring bloomer, which gives off a pleasant aroma, will improve even the darkest mental state.
  3. Gerbera Daisies- This flower has long been popular with most people due to it’s happy exterior of a round face surrounded by bright petals.

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, Flowers for Emotional Health, Wellness, About Flowers

The Symbolic Meaning of the Butter Cup

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Aug 18, 2017

One of the first flowers we are ever introduced to as children is the “buttercup”, a bloom which most of us found popping up in our backyards in pretty patches of yellow.  Perhaps you picked a bouquet for your mother or maybe rubbed the petals against your chin to see it glow?  However you played with these beloved, tiny blossoms, I’m confident that many of you have a summer memory or two that includes the buttercup in childhood play.  

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photo credit via

Belonging to the “ranunculus” family, this plant often has yellow, shiny petals and a green center, which is easily cultivated in a multitude of areas such as meadows, glens and grassy areas.   Often, it is referred to as a “weed” only because it needs little to survive and can be counted on to arrive each and every spring depending on weather conditions. Due to it’s congenial growing temperament, it’s no wonder why the buttercup becomes a sought after ground cover for many landscaping designs.

Because the buttercup is so closely intertwined with children, the symbolic meaning is understandably synonymous with this theme.  Although there are variations, quite often the flower is said to represent joy, youth, purity, happiness and friendship.  It can also mean playfulness, cheerfulness and sunshine, which reflect the bloom’s happy appearance.  If you wake up from having a dream about buttercups, this can mean that you are missing some piece of your childhood and perhaps it’s time to visit the house where you grew up or call and old friend.  Another meaning can be that you are making decisions in life, which are moving you at an uncomfortably fast pace.  In this case, it’s wise to slow down and reevaluate the direction you’ve chosen.

So where do these references originate from?  Through myth and history, the buttercup has earned its reputation from a miser and a cow, each offering their unique take on why the flower remains symbolically important.  In the first example, it is said that a miser was punished for not sharing his gold coins with fairies one day while crossing a meadow.  This angered the fairies, making them poke a hole in the bag thus dropping the money to the ground.  Fearing the miser would notice, they turned the gold into yellow flowers, which hid them from his view.  The second story originates from a farmer believing that his prized cow gave the sweetest milk because she only grazed on yellow buttercups instead of grass like the others.  The blooms nutrients were said to have made her milk delicious, surpassing any heifer in town.  You may want to take this legend with a grain of salt because cows or humans should never ingest the buttercup.  The high toxicity of the plant can cause sickness and in some cases even death.  

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, Language of Flowers, Flower Meanings, About Flowers

Plant, Animal, People

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Aug 16, 2017

There’s an old saying for those who are looking to create more balance in their life that caring for something should start in this order:

Plant-----------→ Animal ----------→ Human

The reason behind this strategy is to build the concept of responsibility by taking baby steps towards reaching your goal.  You may have heard of this approach in connection to AA, becoming a new parent or Sexaholics Anonymous but in general, this is very good advice for anyone who’s looking to enter a solid relationship with another individual.  


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If you believe that you may be on the “Plant” end of the diagram, there are excellent varieties you should be aware of to get you set up in this type of training but before I give you a list to go on, you might want to keep in mind these useful tips.

  1. Water- Just like people, plants have to be well hydrated in order to survive and flourish, making this the number 1 rule when you purchase your plant.  Be careful to read the instructions given to you by your florist or nursery since every species is different with their needs (Again… just like people).  If you feel you might fall in the forgetful realm when it comes to this task, you may want to start with a cactus, which needs very little and is drought tolerable.

  1. Sunlight-  Plants are living entities who need plenty of sunlight in order to create their own photosynthesis (food generation) so you’ll need to find a brightly lit area of your home to set your new friend up in front of.   Again, there can be a variation between different species but I can promise, there needs to be some kind of sun at least part of the day available to the plant if you’re hoping to ever continue to phase 2- an animal.  

  1. Love-  It might sound corny but plants need love just like humans do and the way to accomplish this is to follow both previous rules as well as add a little extra into the mix.  While the age-old theory claims that talking to plants will help them grow into epic proportions, some people prefer to sing to them instead.  While you may be reading this and thinking it’s silly, plants have been proven to positively react to human verbal contact and have been recorded to double in size compared to those spent in solitary.  If you need another reason to loosen up around your ficus, just remember that it’s great practice for starting a conversation once you get to step 3- a real human being.

  1. Suggested Plants- Fiddle Leaf Ficus Trees, spathiphyllum, ferns and cacti


Tags: Care Tips, Plant Care, Plants, Health

A Look into Your Floral Personality

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Aug 14, 2017

People who buy flowers are after a multitude of different things…  One possible is that they love bright colors and another may be the aromatherapy they seek from the scent.  Customers buy flowers to add décor to their homes, to impress clientele when they enter an office and some will even order a bouquet to attract a suitor.  There are a zillion different scenarios to match this question, which is why Boston florists continue to brainstorm new ways to attract shoppers by implementing creative marketing techniques.


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If you can believe it, numerous studies have taken place to match personality traits to floral taste, basing the equation on factors such as educational background, age, hobbies, financial brackets, geographical locations and even the propensity one has to use either the left or right side of the brain.  This last factor might make you stop and think about things for a moment but yes-it is true a person can have a floral preference that directly connects to their individual cranial activity.  Sounds a little crazy, doesn’t it?

In fact, those who use their left side more frequently are apt to be attracted to presentations, which satisfy a mathematical sequence or in floral terms, an architecturally driven piece.  What does this mean?  It means that this segment of the population relies on stimulation that is motivated by factors such as height, balance and symmetry.  Examples of this can be found in centerpieces created with orchids, branches and simple foliage.  Bamboo is a huge seller within this niche as well as pussy willow, oncidium and birds of paradise.  The goal for this type of design is “less is more” as well as a hidden underlying meaning, which is created by the artist.  If this style is right up your alley, take look at these arrangements that can be readily made available by your local city florist.

Tags: SAF, Floral Studies, Design, About Flowers

The Symbolic Meaning of the Gillyflower

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Aug 11, 2017

How many of you out there have ever heard of the “Gillyflower”?  I have to admit, I was kind of in the dark about this stock flower, which not only has an interesting appearance but also holds significant symbolic meaning to many cultures around the world.  The species grows quite richly in diversity and is thought of as a traditional bloom originating in the Mediterranean.  Although it has now been successfully cultivated in other warmer regions and still continues to grow as a highly demanded import, gillyflower remains historically as one of the original “romantic” plants for lovers.


Coming from the “stock” family, this flower holds a stunning scent within every puffy bloom and also possesses the sought after trait of being a hardy crop.  While gillyflower grows in a multitude of different colors, pink, cream and shades of white are popularly used in wedding bouquets and centerpieces (different meanings apply to different shades).  Of course, the flower’s intoxicating smell is a strong seller to brides but more than that is it’s sweet yet sturdy presentation when intermixed with a variety of other species.  The fact that gillyflower is also attached to themes of “bliss” and “everlasting love” also helps to put this bloom at the top of many wedding party planner’s lists.

The symbolism of the stock flower dates back to centuries ago in England where it was used as a type of currency to buy parcels of land.  Often referred to as “clove”, people believed the blossom to be valuable, which attributes the “opulence” and “wealth” end of its meaning.  Gillyflower can also stand for accepting and enjoying the life you have been given, endless beauty, purity, adoration, a religious connection and even as a sign for the zodiac, Taurus.  In general, this flower represents a long lived life, luck and immense happiness so it’s a wonderful choice for weddings, births and special anniversaries.  

Tags: Flowers as Symbols, Language of Flowers, Flower Meanings, About Flowers

American Grown Field to Vase Dinner Tour

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Aug 09, 2017

If you’re into flowers and eating from farm to table, it might be a good idea to look into this interesting new event that allows you to dine in divine surroundings within blissful content.  This “green” way of eating amongst friends and family is making a serious impact on both the floral and restaurant world and it’s all due to the forum’s wild success found in the earliest stages.  With the intent to bring organic blooms and whole foods together, naturalists are calling this fabulous, contemporary feasting option the way to go in the next century.  Toxins, chemicals and other contaminants have been on the news for years as likely pollutants in our soils, which is why this idea shows serious merit and might just pave the way for all future social cuisine gatherings.


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Why does this work so well?

One of the reasons is because of the expertise gifted by talented florists who couple texture, color and architecture of flowers to match the servings hosted on the plates.  By pairing a romantic contrast between blooms and menu offerings, guests not only receive a tasty dish of fresh and wholesome food but also get to experience the visual appeal of stunning arrangements.  Depending on where the event is being hosted, people will sit amongst a table of twenty to thirty people inside greenhouses or outside on patios in the area where their servings originate.  For those who enjoy local wine and beer, refreshments are also served in the same style to encourage sales of homegrown beverages as well.

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photo credit via

What started this event?

Since a vast majority of flowers and food are now being shipped into the United States from outside countries, “Field to Vase Dinners” are working to re-focus demand on local farms and eateries such as those within Oregon, California and Texas.  By hosting these dinners in places where we cultivate our own goods, the hope is to re-infuse interest in eating and growing locally owned products.  Another important reason behind this movement is to encourage the health aspects of eating fresh foods.  Cooked by some of the best chefs in the country, guests have a chance to taste for themselves the deliciousness of eating meals harvested from straight out of the ground while gazing upon domestically cultivated blooms.  Not only does “American Grown Field to Vase Dinner Tour’s” make sure everyone’s bellies are full by the end of the event, gifts of flower bouquets are also presented at the end of the meal to make the experience even more special.  

Tags: USA, Patriotic Flowers, Flowers, America

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