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Exotic Flowers in Boston

Flowers to Match your November Birthstone

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Nov 01, 2017

The Topaz is the official gemstone for the month of November, which is not only beautiful but powerful as well.  Produced in several different shades although this festive tone of mid to dark amber (sometimes orange in appearance) is the most popular, topaz still remains one of the most sought-after rocks by meditative healers dating back to centuries ago.  Among one of the reasons is its supposed ability to bring good luck and fortune, nicknamed the “bringer of abundance” by many natural enthusiasts.  Originally, the stone dates back to 2000 years ago where it was found on a tiny Greek island that was eventually named Tapazios in honor of the prosperity being mined there.  Later the name was changed to St. John’s Island where many tourists visit each year to enjoy the opulent surroundings.  

Though, being a wealth inducer is only one property of Topaz, wearers will also be thrilled it may also lower anxiety, increase relaxation and relief stress.  It is said that those who are less engaged with western medicine would rather place topaz stones around their homes to boost overall health and discourage illness for anyone present in the home.  One more reason to invest in this gem is if you’re a romantic who has an upcoming wedding anniversary!  Blue topaz is officially the gift for celebrating four years of marriage while the golden imperial represents the sixteenth and twenty-third but in general, this is a wonderful stone to present to your spouse on any occasion.

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photo credit via

If you’re a florist who is trying to replicate the appearance of the topaz within a special flower arrangement, you have some options available to you due to the large spectrum of color that exists.  In some cases, designers might want to rely on the “feel” of the stone such as its regal personality or magical sense.  Here are a few suggestions to browse over if you have a special someone celebrating a November topaz birthday.

Orange mango callas just might be the most beautiful contrast to the topaz gemstone.  These beauties are a “no-fuss” variety that are truly gorgeous when they are placed in a vase with no other species mixed in to distract attention.  Easy, elegant and enticing, you can’t go wrong with a similar arrangement.

These delicious orange mokara orchids will also do the trick and have your special someone in awe over this delicate tropical display.  The puffy blooms run up and down the stem and possess a longevity property that will keep them healthy for over a week or more when taken care of properly.

Everyone’s favorites are usually the gerbera daisy because of their sweet and happy appeal so why not request a bundle in the topaz shades of orange?  The gerbera daisy has a significantly long list of colors to choose from which are shipped to the U.S daily.

Tags: Flowers for Emotional Health, November, Jewels, Topaz, Birthstone

Flower Apps for Flower Lovers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Oct 30, 2017

Our phones have become our lifelines these days, holding millions of bits of information that we believe we require each day.  Just by the swipe of your finger, you can access worlds of data leading you everywhere from weather reports and sports stats to bank accounts and social media updates.  The cell has really become a major (if primary) source of communication for most of us and thanks to technology, we can find answers to any imaginable question with the proper programming.  Another bonus to owning one of these handy gadgets is that users can input their devices beyond basic functions and personalize them to create a unique carrier for hobbies and interests.  Are you a beach goer who enjoys frequent trips to the shore but is concerned about arriving only at high tide?  Guess what?  There’s an app for that.  Do you enjoy meditation or a quick session of yoga when you have a few minutes to spare? Guess what?  There’s an app for that, too.  No matter where your interests lie, you can be sure there’s a specialized program out there just waiting to be downloaded onto your phone-even if you happen to be a flower lover like me.


photo via growit app

Florists and flower enthusiasts will be thrilled to know that geniuses around the world have been successful in inventing several different apps made especially for us which decipher, label and distinguish flora and fauna specimens.  You don’t have to carry a huge manual around anymore when you’ve come across a blossom you don’t know which family species it belongs to.  Heck no!  Now with a tap of your finger and a snap of a picture, you can find out all sorts of information about any flower or plant that exists.  Since there are several to choose from, you can browse this list and find the one that perfectly fits your taste to help grow and nourish your knowledge.   Designing ideas, centerpiece palette advice and details about where varieties are grown can all be passed down to you in thirty seconds or less.  Don’t be worried about extensive costs to set these up because you’ll be happy to know that all of them are free!  

Flower Apps

  1. Garden Flowers Plant ID 6. What’s That Flower
  2. Garden Guide 7. Ask it to Flowers
  3. Leaf Snap 8. Parrot Flower Power
  4. Fungitron 9. Flower House
  5. GrowIt!           10. Flower Garden Free

Tags: Gardening, Photography, Garden, Apps

Ways to Preserve Your Wedding Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Oct 27, 2017

You’ve just taken the big plunge down the aisle and are still reeling in the event’s momentum, hoping to savor every last bit of happiness and joy.  A wedding is a blessed occasion where two people promise to love, honor and obey one another so long as they both shall live, making this a moment they’ll want to always remember.  What are the popular ways of recording these stories?  Often, we hire a photographer for the pictures we’ll keep tucked safely inside an album or box our bridal gown in storage to perhaps hand down to our own daughter one day.  Some visit the ceremonial locations where they said their I do’s as many choose to vacation in spots where their honeymoons were chosen.  There are many different ways to record your romances in an effort to hold on to these commemorations and celebrate the union you share together for decades to come.


Flowers are another part of a wedding where couples often want to conserve visions of beautiful centerpieces, corsages and of course, bouquets.  Too frequently, brides omit this notion because they aren’t sure how to go about this since you are talking about a perishable item.  The good news is while this is true, blooms are easily saved in a multitude of different ways that can be showcased in homes for years after without having to rely on water.  There are several different ways you can do this such as pressing blooms using wax paper with an iron.  Another option is to dry them in a bunch by hanging the bouquet upside down in a cool dark space (roses work especially well for this method).  Florists will also recommend that you can freeze dry bouquets, which keeps the blossoms in a state of forever youthfulness.  While you can do this at home, professional freezing tends to work better, leaving brides with a more attractive end product to own as a keepsake.  Once the process has been completed, you can put the flowers on presentation within glass vases, jars or even frames that can be hung on the wall.  


As I said before, roses are a fantastic species to sustain and a lot of the reason lies behind the amount of water the petals contain.  If you know you are going to want to dry, press or freeze dry your wedding bouquet, keep in mind not every flower will perform the same.  Here are the top blossoms that will work well will these processes.

  1. Roses
  2. Heather
  3. Lavender
  4. Freesia
  5. Delphinium

Tags: Bridal Flowers, DIY Brides, Weddings, Wedding Flowers

Saying “I’m Sorry” with Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Oct 25, 2017

So, you’ve found yourself in the doghouse again and this time a quick apology isn’t going to save the day or your relationship.  We’ve all been there- after all love is an imperfect game where partners can change players all the time.  But if you think you’ve found your special someone and aren’t ready to throw in the towel quite yet, you’re going to really have to show that special someone how regretful you are when you’ve made a mistake.  In this case, a sweet gesture just may warm your interest back up again and pave the way for forgiveness.  One opinion is to send a small gift that conveys your feelings.


While jewelry is one of the most popular solutions to fix these sorts of dilemmas, rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings can run rather pricey and be misconstrued as a “payoff present.  Since you don’t want to stir the kettle any more than it already is, option number 2 may reveal better results in the long run plus won’t impale your wallet to terribly.  The second common way to say “I’m sorry” are flowers which have been revered as the highest recognized symbol for romance and love.  Since the beginning of time, couples have used the presentation of blossoms to convey several messages to their life mates, particularly when needed for an apology.  You’ll have a huge range of options to choose from allowing you to control expenses as well as be able to order a bouquet that is specifically tailored to him or her. Here is a list of currently trendy floral species used by Boston florists and a couple of examples describing what the arrangements might look like.

Varieties that are perfect for sending an apology are:

  1. Lilies- so fragrant they’ll forget what they are so mad about.
  2. Orchids-exotic orchids represent passion and fire.
  3. French Tulips- decadently strong in appearance, these say you were meant to last.
  4. Sweet Pea- nothing says how you feel like a fresh bunch of pink sweet pea.
  5. Roses- a timeless classic that stands for everlasting romance.     

Tags: Language of Flowers, Apology Flowers, Sorry Flowers, Flowers for Emotional Health

Behind the Rise in Popularity of Succulents

Posted by Jenny Holt on Mon, Oct 23, 2017

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If you’ve recently visited a coffee shop, restaurant, doctor’s office, a friend’s home, or anywhere else with counters and tables, you may have noticed the rise in popularity of succulents. For those unfamiliar with these types of plants, a succulent refers to any plant that stores water in its leaves or stems (sometimes both). They are available in all shapes, colors, and sizes, making them perfect for almost any space. Well-known succulents include aloe plants, cacti, and zebra plants.

Take a look at three of the top reasons succulents have risen in popularity within recent years.

They can match almost any decor

Whether your style is more modern or traditional, succulent plants work well with almost any decor. If you want a design that will match a particular room, planting succulents in decorative containers is a great way to achieve the look you desire. Succulents are available in small enough sizes to fit a tiny glass container, and they can also be arranged to fit large pots or containers. Whatever your space constraints or needs are, succulents can be customized to work with any interior or exterior area. Additionally, succulents provide a wide availability of colors. Although there are many green options, succulents can also be found in shades of pink, red, orange, purple, and blue-green.  

They require minimal maintenance

If you don’t have a green thumb, or can’t commit to consistent care of a plant, succulents are a great choice. Because they can store water in their leaves and/or stems, one weekly watering is all that is needed to keep these plants healthy. They are built to handle drought conditions, so occasionally forgetting to water them will usually not cause any harm. Also, succulents can handle almost every environment (except for the extreme cold). This means that whether you have access to full, minimal, or no sun, or if you choose to plant indoors or outdoors, your succulents will stay alive.

They are gorgeous plants

Aside from the concrete, logical reasons for the rise in popularity of succulents is a more subjective reason: they are simply gorgeous to look at. The diversity of colors and shapes of succulents are powerful enough to brighten one’s mood and environment in an instant. Whether decorating a dorm room or an upscale cafe, you can easily bring a stunning element of nature into any space. Perhaps it is the desire to experience beautiful, natural elements on a daily basis that has contributed to the continued rise in popularity of these versatile plants.

Choosing succulents for your space

When choosing the best succulents for your space, decide what colors and styles will work best with your existing decor. Do you want a bright, vibrant feel, or a more natural, relaxed appearance? Also, be sure to assess how much space you will need to cover with your succulent plants, and what style of container you would like to use. No matter what you choose, you are sure to enjoy the wide array of benefits provided by succulents.

Tags: Plant Care, Plants, DIY, Succulents

Jazz Greats Sing it with Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Oct 20, 2017

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Charles Mingus, John Coltrane, Mary Lou Williams, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Herbie Hancock, Nat King Cole, Miles Davis, Keith Jarrett and Thelonious Monk are some of the world’s greatest jazz artists of our time but besides music, what do they have in common?  Sultry, sexy and romantic are all descriptive of these musical greats so it’s no wonder they would look to something else with equally alluring qualities…  Flowers have always played a big part in the world of jazz, sometimes by being represented as a stunning vase of white callas on a piano or a single gardenia tucked in a performer’s hair.  Jazz flowers can be a subtle accessory added to the stage or an eye-popping piece that becomes just as big a part of the presentation as the vocalist themselves.  If you’re an up and coming jazz player who is interested in what these famous artistic contributors adored for flowers, take a look at what it is the most likely bloom they had on their dining room tables.

Charles Mingus- “Flowers for A Lady” was a big hit and it’s all due to the talent behind the song and truthfully, his love for flowers, particularly gerbera daisies.  

John Coltrane- Coltrane had a way with passing a vibe and easing listeners into a state of relaxation.  His cover album features a pink phalaenopsis which he derived many of his inspiration from.  

Mary Lou Williams- What a beautiful voice who enraptured audiences for years and years with her lacey and soft appeal.  White Casablanca lilies were said to be her favorite which mimicked her unforgettable personality.

Ella Fitzgerald- Ella was a swooner when it came to wrapping audiences around her little finger which was all due to her sultry voice and sweet presence with which she graced the stage.  Gardenias were a preferable essential that she placed in her hats or hair.

Herbie Hancock- Mr. Hancock is known for his “smooth operating” skills which is why he often was seen photographed with beautiful roses of all shades.

Nat King Cole- Nat King Cole was said to have a wide adoration for all things that grew but was described as preferring tropical dendrobium orchids the most.  

Miles Davis- who could mess with the skills of this famous jazz player who enjoyed walking in the woods on his time off? This probably explains the reason why he was always partial to the loveliness of water lilies he often saw on the trails.  

Keith Jarrett- Another rose lover, Keith Jarrett was known to place a vase of red roses in the rooms where he practiced to induce creative productivity.  They are also often seen gracing the covers of his albums.

Tags: Music, Bands, Inspiration, Jazz

Urban Flowers - a Book Review

Posted by Suzie Canale on Thu, Oct 19, 2017

I’m an avid reader who loves books from genres such as Mystery, YA and Middle Grade but when a new release title about flowers or gardening catches my eye- I can’t resist browsing the pages.  Recently, I was in the library where I saw a beautiful cover put on display entitled, “Urban Flowers” that seemed to be creating quite a demand at circulation.  Written by Carolyn Dunster, this how-to seeks to educate the city dweller with ideas on designing the perfect patio garden no matter how small the area may be.  Patios, decks, balconies and tiny walk ways all have the opportunity to be transformed into luscious landscapes (according to this author) if you just have the inspiration and tips she provides.  Well this topic was right up my alley so I decided to look through the book for advice to pass on to those believing their space is too crammed to orchestrate a thriving flower bed!

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The first thing I noticed about this manual was how efficiently and effectively the chapters were organized.  Too often gardening books provide mashed up information where it’s hard to find the answers to questions you are seeking.  Dunster eliminates this problem by segmenting topics into easy-read fashion with contents entitled, “Evaluating Your space”, Choosing a Style” and “Experimenting with Colour”.  Within these segments, she breaks down the subject to include “Growing Therapeutic Flowers”, “Using Pots and Containers” and “Personalizing Your Space” which really helps readers to find the help they need to grow an individualized garden made specifically for them.  Not all of us have the same taste in flowers so it’s important to purchase the right supplies specific to you- a concept that is continuously stressed by the author.

If you have a hard time following lengthy instructions, you don’t have to worry because “Urban Gardens” reads more like a story than a technical guide that may leave you confused.  The descriptive phrases like, “You are effectively creating an extension of your home, while also making a green sanctuary where you can retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life,” not only will give you the confidence you need to begin but will also soothe you as if reading a work of fiction.  Another incentive to check out a copy are the glorious images captured by photographer, Jason Ingram who manages to beautifully illustrate “Urban Gardens” to resonate a fairytale.  

Tags: Books, Libraries, DIY, Lifestyle, Read

Metal Bands Love Flowers

Posted by Suzie Canale on Fri, Oct 13, 2017


ACDC, Metallica, Van Halen…these are the legends of heavy metal who are responsible for top hits that still remain popular twenty years later.   Their sound is timeless and continues to be celebrated decades later where parents now get to pass down their gift of music to their children and perhaps even their grandchildren.  Metal music is an important part of the world’s history and must be recognized for the important contributions these bands have given to the arts.  Where would be without hits like, “Thunder Struck”, “Enter Sandman” and “Hot for Teacher” which rocked audiences from the United states all the way to Europe?  They are undeniably a large part of our creative passion we look to stimulate and keep growing because music is the epicenter of where millions of innovative ideas come from.

So where do these artists get their inspiration from?  The answer quite honestly could be from anywhere but one facet just may be a passion for flowers!   Are you having a hard time believing Brian Johnson stops to smell the roses in between taking the stage in front of millions of people?  Well, it’s true!  Many of these artistic geniuses have an affection towards beautiful blooms and believe it or not?  Some even harvest their own sprawling gardens.  The reasons why may be expansive but the basis starts with the fact that flowers have many healing properties as well as inspiring and nourishing. Think about the basic properties of blooms that possess visual, aromatic and tactile gains. These would likely benefit these artists who are constantly searching for the next spark of enlightenment that they can use in their work and in turn, morph into songs that will please fans.  We all need a little something to encourage artistic creativity so it makes sense that flowers might be an influential tool.    

Since there is a plethora of floral varieties to choose from, we can predict which species might be the better options for musicians like James Hetfield and Eddie Van Halen.  First, they need to have an intoxicating smell and a sexy color that will attract attention.  If we’re talking arrangements, then the pieces should be architecturally sophisticated or small and compact like the European style. 

Tags: Music, Bands, Roses, Inspiration

Halloween Florist Costume

Posted by Suzie Canale on Wed, Oct 11, 2017

If you live in New England, then it’s pretty safe to say that fall festivities are right up your alley.  One annual tradition that is of particular importance is the one night where we can all transform into anyone we want… Yes, I’m talking about Halloween!  You may have noticed that I used the word “all” because contrary to what you may think, Halloween is a holiday for all of us (not just the kiddos).  Perhaps you’ve been invited to a party or maybe an office celebration where friends and coworkers will be whipping up wardrobe creations and you just haven’t found the inspiration yet to make your own?  No problem!  For those who love to garden or have a fancy for florals, I have just the ideas for you and most of the materials needed can be found already at home.


photo: Victor VIRGILE—Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

Become a Wrapped Bouquet!

This costume is too cute if you love flowers, plus it’s quick and simple so you don’t need a whole lot of time to accomplish the look.  Just wrap yourself in an extra-large piece of paper and tie with a ribbon.  Add blossoms to the packaging by cutting large blooms out of construction paper and either glue to the back of the paper or attach to sticks that can be inserted inside the cone.  Be sure to dress in a single color such as black, navy or red and presto!  Your Halloween look is complete.  If you own a flower shop and have an employee who is willing, have them put on this outfit on October 31st to greet customers at the door. Patrons will get a kick out of the company’s holiday spirit as well as attract others who might be passing by.

Become the Flower Dude!

This design is quick and easy to throw together in a pinch since all you really need is a smock, clipboard and maybe either a small arrangement or bouquet of roses to hold.  Simple jeans and a t-shirt are the best pieces to wear underneath and letting a little stubble grow in will also add to the effect.  Florists are typically NOT glamourous people who often work long hours contrary to what most believe.  Sporting fancy jackets, pants or expensive jewelry will draw away the authenticity of “florist role” so be sure to stay in character as much as possible.  If you know a florist already, ask them to borrow some arrangement cards that you can put in your front pocket or hand out to others as an added accessory.  If you really want it to look real, hold a dixie cup in your hand and tell people it’s coffee.  I haven’t met a florist yet who isn’t addicted to the stuff!

Tags: Halloween Flowers, Halloween Decorating, October, Halloween, Costumes

Tiger Lilies for the Tiger Woman

Posted by Suzie Canale on Mon, Oct 09, 2017

We all know that many of us choose to match our personalities with other decisions we make throughout the day.  Our clothing habits, foods, books, movies, friendships, careers all typically revolve around the true inner person that exists inside of us all.  We make these choices to confirm and celebrate the differences from those around us to better express our feelings and emotions.  It is one of the fundamental principles that we as humans possess that is exercised consistently throughout our lives.  As women, we tend to depend on this response more than our male counterparts, primarily because there is said to be a higher ability of creativity with the female hormone system.  Interesting, right?  This means that our favorite colors, styles and scents are constantly being reflected in every area where we have the option to inflict our preferences.

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When it comes to flowers, this is no exception and holding true to the last stat I mentioned, women tend to be pickier about what florals they showcase in and around their living spaces.  One reason is because they are trying to complement their persona with the designs seen at their local florist, which sometimes can cause a bit of confusion.  Due to this issue, many professionals in the industry are now displaying charts which give clients suggestions based on their unique personalities.  For instance, a woman who leans on the sweeter side of things is more apt to enjoy a fresh bunch of garden roses, sweet peas or peonies.  A woman regarded as slightly more intense (here’s where I lay on the spectrum) would more likely enjoy bolder varieties such as orchids, callas , lilies- specifically tiger lilies.

A fun fact about tiger lilies is that these flowers can either be cultivated in specialized greenhouses or grow wildly in the outdoors.  Their color availability is as broad as the sun, giving women like me a tremendous selection to choose from.  Red, orange, yellow, white, cream-you name it and chances are, your florist will be able to find it.  Once you have picked the shade you prefer, you can move onto whether or not you’re the kind of gal who likes clumps of a single bloom species or the opposite-a mixed arrangement with many different types of florals included.  For me, I almost always go with the single variety option because of the simplicity in beauty and uniform coloring. 

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Tags: Flower Meanings, About Flowers, Tigers, Lilies

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